Tuesday, 5 June 2012


In this Edition:

FAMILY :: a Guided Message from Archangel Raguel

.. a Guided Message from Archangel Raguel

Dearest Ones,
I am with you ALL in this moment, sharing experience, sharing love. We all have love within us.. it is our Inherent GIFT from our Creator. At this time we are Co~Creators utilising the energy of love, compassion and intention. We are combined in groups energetically to heal, enjoy and share. The most common of our groups is known as FAMILY. This Divine Plan is designed to offer COMMITMENT, HONOUR, RESPECT and above all the energy of TENACITY, that drive to connect and to keep connecting. We celebrate this Family Connection with you as your Angels and are sharing Soul Family Knowledge with you at this time. 
Notice the word FAMILIAR.. this is when we feel a connection with another, someone who is officially unrelated to us. The sense of connection is strong though with this familiarity and we feel a KINDRED Energy. The basis or etymology of these words links us back to family.
The time of Soul Heart Expansion is now. We are connected to our Soul Groups and we are finding such joy with these relationships. Oftentimes these are Past Life connections and sometimes these feel brand new.. but with that wonderful warmth and ease. This is the Soul Family. The connection is very obvious through eye contact, finishing another's sentences (tuning in to thoughts) and that sense of ease in each other's company.
Honour your connections with these people. Your life is an interwoven play of emotion, environment and example. You, now, are being thought of by one of these soul mates.. he or she is no doubt sending loving energy your way. Remember that this is a two way relationship. It is right to receive, extend courtesy and share truths with these people. Your life right now is at the precipice of Human Evolution.. our whole planet SHARES; sunlight, atmosphere, gravity.. etc etc. It IS time to honour our Soul Families and to extend the friendship connection to new people entering our lives. Treat each other with the kindness you would prefer for yourselves, for in truth, you are facets of the One. 
How Divine!
Call upon me and the Archangels to heal your Relationships back to a love basis regularly. Choice is only relevant if it is utilised for the betterment of all. We see you smiling and with love, bless you and those you love xox
Archangel Raguel 

"Soul Family ~ connecting on the level of soul dispels all lower energies and instantly opens us to the Divine Spark, our true selves."

"Show your children that you enjoy life and that your family makes you happy. That will be one of the greatest gifts you will give them."
pg 91 
down to earth ~ a guide to simple living
Rhonda Hetzel


pg 10..
Mother Mary teaches how to enter a new reality of your choosing...

Visualise yourself in a bubble~like sphere..
..then place another bubble near your heart.
Place your heart~felt intentions & grateful wishes in to it.
When you are ready.. lift it up and expand it.. merging into it 
Reading through Doreen Virtue's latest book is a treasure trove of "Mary" experiences. She has also visited me, and I call upon her often to soothe emotions and protect my children. She has a COMFORTING energy with a basis in high intelligence. Although I am not yet finished the book, she has led me to many similar themed statements and meditations in such a short time and concise manner.

'At your heart chakra, imagine a clear wish~fulfilling jewel radiating white light in all directions, and rest your attention on this expanding white light.' 
Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
vía Hay House Daily Meditations, Facebook.

'There is a vibrant field of energy that connects us all. To understand this, enter more deeply into your body. Discover the silence there .. and then spread your energy outwards in ever~widening, concentric circles. You are now flowing in harmony with the frequency of the field.'
Denise Linn.

'Heaven means to be one with God.'
via Cafe Truth, Facebook.

Looking back, I recall Denise Linn's book, 'Sacred Space' to be one of those experiences placing me wholistically on my Spiritual Path. Within the context of our living space, her background in Cherokee Wisdom and present life~experience, Denise's passion of Spirit was a treasurous 'lead by example' experience.
To this day I thoroughly enjoy her photos & insights shared on Facebook and her laughing, joyful sharing on HayHouse Radio. Her daughter, Meadow has a heartfelt blog and shares her Mum's flair for photography. 
Another way the internet can connect us through the heart with our Soul Family.

Click on the link to take you to this month's Angel Tarot Celtic Cross Layout Reading ...

ChaiBLISS News
Product testings are still moving ahead.. we are taking the tortoise, not the hare approach with this one!

Facebook still is the place for up to date info, extra musings and goodies. There is a current photo competition.. post a photo of your favourite place to enjoy ChaiBLISS for the chance to win a 200gm Eco~Refill of ChaiBLISS. Yum Fun xox

Appointments for Angel Healings/Readings DO fill up fast. I can usually get you in within one week of inquiry.. thankyou Angels xox

Hope you have been enjoying all the Cosmic Energy recently. I am writing this on the day of the Venus Transit.. such a powerful vibe.. bringing in balance between God & Goddess energy .. mind AND matter! Lots of GOOD CHANGES for all... 

With a grateful blessing to you,
Rainbow Butterfly Tara