They are here. They are colourful. They are concise. They are very popular! I have been running an Angel Tarot SPECIAL on my facebook page ChaiBLISS HEALING for the Celtic Cross Angel Tarot Reading ~ $A40 and I am thrilled at the response. Love getting that Guidance out there. This is a very indepth Reading. We have been using the Celtic Cross Layout for our BlissHEALING Newsletter for some time now so the layout may be familiar to some of you. Having this Reading done for you on a personal level has proved very rewarding. The SPECIAL is running till June 17th. After this time the Readings will still be available for $A70.
The beauty is that you receive this Guidance direct to your email address.. I do set appointment times but the Reading can be read in your own time. Love it xox
The Angel Tarot are a traditional Tarot deck consisting of 78 cards. There are Major and Minor Arcanas. The Minor Arcana are divided in to 4 suits. The Major Arcana are 22 cards each depicting a step on the Spiritual Pathway. Each one is assigned an Archangel and represents a 'destined' Divine Timing occurrence. These cards are powerful messengers and I have found over the 17 years of reading tarot that I like to draw another card to go with the Major Arcana card to 'fine tune' it and explain it a little more. This can mean that more that one card is in one placement, as you can see by this month's layout, above. I draw a card on a Major Arcana until a suit card presents itself. This also shows that we often choose to deal with many 'destined' themes at once.
The first card in the Celtic Cross represents the current situation. For June 2012, the card is FIVE OF AIR. This card speaks to us all about healing our thoughts. This is a powerful group consciousness energy. The suit of Air is guided by the Unicorns. This also indicates that many of us are being shown new levels of Spiritual Thinking during our dreams as Unicorns are our companions and travel guides on these journeys.
The next card represents any queries or questions pertaining to the current situation: TWO OF EARTH. This is the Realm of the Fairies. This card speaks to us of 'who is working with us'. It is a chance to fine tune our friends, colleagues etc to see who is matching our vibration. Love will heal all situations. If any queries come up call upon Archangel Raguel (he is offering a Guided Message on FAMILY in the BlissHEALING June '12 Edition). Also, step outside, get some fresh air and consult the Fairies. The answer will be right in front of you.
The third card in the Celtic Cross represents the destiny in the current situation. What is in Divine Right Order. This Reading shows a Major Arcana card and then a suit card: THE WORLD, with Archangel Michael. 'A job well done! Joy, contentment & gratitude. The path toward enlightenment.' The suit card is KNIGHT OF FIRE. So far we have very balanced energy from the suit cards. The fire suit is guided by the Dragons. They are supportive, active and action orientated. They represent what to 'do'. The energy of these two cards combined is highly powerful and very SUPPORTIVE. It shows that it is our destiny to have both Heavenly and Earthly support. This will speed up our task completion and allow us to move forward with grace and ease.
The PAST 18 months or so are shown by the card PAGE OF FIRE. This card shows that in the past we have been acting from a state of growth. Pages often indicate young people too, those under 22. The fire element again shows our actions. The message from this is to honour our growth, honour our youth, and to be fully aware just how far we have all grown together. This is a very productive energy to have come through. Well done team.
The next section of the Celtic Cross Layout represents the PRESENT: FIVE OF EARTH. Earth again, is the Realm of the Fairies, and 5's indicate change, healing, travel and possible conception. This card depicts EARTH HEALING. Any of these themes may present themselves during this month. Travel, pregnancy.. all under the guise of healing the Earth. This also represents healing for our personal connection with the Earth as well as Earth based themes; money, material goods, gardens etc. As we are all co~creating within the space of love, this brings about a massive wave of goodness upon the planet. In JOY.
The next section represents the FUTURE 18 months: THE DREAMER, with Archangel Metatron. 'A leap of faith. Follow your dreams. Unexpected opportunities.' This is coupled with FOUR OF AIR. Air represents our thoughts and the Dreamer is the beginning of the Spiritual Cycle. These cards together relate to our thoughts regarding our Spiritual Journey. For some it may signify the beginning is coming up. For others it may be that a new phase is occuring (especially working together with spirituality) 'Four' indicates that we have balanced and even thoughts in all facets of our spiritual lives. Although this shows new beginnings, it has a very stable energy. Group and personal meditation is highlighted.
The next part of the Celtic Cross Reading for June 2012 makes me leap with joy! It is the placement that shows HOW WE SEE OURSELVES. As you can see by the photo, 4 MAJOR ARCANA CARDS came up here! This proudly states that we are very CONSCIOUS of who we are, what we are here for and what we are able to do. The cards are as follows: UNITY, with Archangel Sandalphon; LIFE EXPERIENCE, with Archangel Chamuel; STRENGTH, with Archangel Ariel & THE MAGICIAN, with Archangel Raziel. This combination speaks of our courage our community our destiny and our Divine Magic. Wow! What a fantastic time in Humane Evolution. The suit card that fine tunes these Major Arcanas is KNIGHT OF WATER, 'Falling in love or wedding proposals. Balancing emotions. An invitation to a social event.' These cards are all aligning as we align individually, and in our Soul Groups. The blessing is that we see ourselves this way, thereby allowing our hearts to guide us, our strength to shine and our spiritual gifts to glow. This is FABULOUS news. DIVINE AWARENESS XOX
The next placement is the card that shows the ENVIRONMENT we are presented with: EIGHT OF FIRE, 'Events moving at a fast pace. Delays are over. Many things happening at once.' See how our awareness of our inner strength and divinity can assist us along our daily lives. Looks like with all the planetary shifts, alignments, transits and eclipses.. THINGS ARE REALLY HAPPENING. The 8 shows that, yes, this has to do with money, value and work,,, but also to do with UNIVERSAL LOVE. When applied to any situation, Universal/Unconditional love is the Divine Elixir! Our actions will reflect this. More actual healing here.
The next section relates to our hopes and dreams: THE LOVERS, with Archangel Raphael; THE HIGH PRIESTESS, with Archangel Haniel and KNIGHT OF AIR ~ Intelligent, Decisive, Idealistic, Tireless. These 3 cards grouped together exclaim that we really truly hope for RELATIONSHIP HEALTH.. and quickly! The cards speak of Higher Purpose, Divine Connections and healing our thoughts regarding gender roles, relationships and histories. This is another section to celebrate as we are all truly focusing on this as the whole of humanity. Can you just feel the change in the air of society.. this is powerful stuff people!
The next section is the OUTCOME: (I draw 2 'fine tuning cards' for the outcome regardless if it is a Major or Minor Arcana...) TEN OF AIR, 'The end of a difficult situation. Embrace the change and expect things to get better now. Recovering from addiction'; SIX OF EARTH, 'Gifts of money, time or effort. New career opportunities. Receiving a loan or paying of debts' and SEVEN OF EARTH... an honouring of Spirituality on Earth.. allowing the seeds to grow that have been planted. A superb 'outcome' honouring the energy we have been through and the thoughts to keep us moving. The strength of the Earth suit shows that working with the Fairies is wise. Outdoor activities invigorate our cells and uplift our thoughts, allowing the realm of the material to lift and lighten and 'sort it self out'. A completion with themes of creativity and spirituality. NICE!
The very last card I read is at the base of the deck and shows the 'underlying' energy of the situation. This may or may not be conscious or known.
LOVE THIS !!! NINE OF EARTH... 'Enjoying life's little luxuries. Spending quite time alone. Successful self~employment. This card has been popping up lots when I offer free Angel Tarot Card Readings on Facebook. What a lovely energy.. and the image is stunning with that vibrant light BRIGHT green. This card shows us a way forward, a place to rest and also a place to connect. Often times we are guided to branch out and away from the 9-5 and connect to the planet's rhythms via our creativity. This brings the desired income and fulfilment. We are definitely in a Divine Time here on lovely Home Planet.
I love how we have grown together and that the Angel cards are confirming our efforts, our relinquishments and our opportunities. Support one another as best you can. Get outdoors as often as humanly possible. Enjoy the planetary activities, and be true to your Guidance. Love will show you the way EVERY TIME!
mwah ((kisses))
with Gratitude and Grace
Rainbow Butterfly Tara