Wednesday, 2 May 2012


In this Edition:



Asafoetida (Hing) Ferula assafoetida Giant Fennel

From a Naturopathic background, I love wholistic living! I live by the adage, 'Let your medicine be your food and your food be your medicine' by Hippocrates.

My latest find is not new at all. In fact it is an ancient culinary herb based on a Roman plant, now extinct. I have been utilising this daily with awesome results.

Asa = resin. It is from the resin of the Giant Fennels that Asafoetida or Hing is produced. It is dried and powdered, and easy to use in every day food preparation. From the Apiaceae Family, so is related to other culinary herbs; carrot, parsley, dill, celery, caraway, fennel and lovage.
Native to Afghanistan, Iran and used in Ayurvedic medicine/cooking for centuries.

Noted for it's DIGESTIVE PROPERTIES, it is reported to alleviate stomach ailments, cold symptoms, anxiety issues, chronic fatigue, yeast infections & flatulence. It is also a blood purifier. 

It is ANTI-SPASMODIC & ANTI-MICROBIAL in action. It is useful for calming and clearing bronchitis and useful to dispel internal parasites. It has an EXPECTORANT action. Also noted to alleviate toothache due to it's NERVINE action and clear ear infection. In Ayurvedic medicine Asafoetida is used to SOOTHE 'VATA'.
Specifically for women's reproductive systems, utilising Asafoetida in your regular cooking RELEASES uterine polyps, TONES the uterus and BALANCES the menstrual cycle. Also noted to reduce the chance of miscarriage during pregnancy. LOVE THIS SPICE!

Reports related to cholesterol indicate that Asafoetida balances these levels.

I use it whenever I cook a savoury dish, adding it at the beginning to the organic olive or coconut oil at the base of the pan. My children ADORE Anything & Everything I add it to. It is a natural FLAVOUR ENHANCER with wholistic, safe, medicinal properties. A valid edition to my pantry!
In Ayurveda it is referred to as Food of the Gods and treats impotency, calms epilepsy and fibromyalgia. It burns ama or that which is undigested. In Ayurveda, it is recommended we include all 6 tastes in our meals: salty, sour, sweet, bitter, pungent & astringent. Asafoetida is of the pungent category which stimulate and tone the digestive fire.

Some other facts:
~ one of the main ingredients in Worcestershire Sauce
~ said to enhance a singer's voice
Contains: calcium, phosphorous, iron, carotene, riboflavin and niacin (vit B's = calming and nerve building)

By adding this to daily meals, drinking ChaiBLISS, working with affirmations and Divine Love.. we are happily able to stay well and in pristine WHOLISTIC HEALTH.



This month I have enjoyed reading 'The MAGIC' by the Secret author, Rhonda Byrne.
This is a practical guide to life enhancement on all levels. I have enjoyed the daily activities and am glowing with the results!
Above is a photo I took this morning on my iPhone (that I am grateful for)... I awoke with the light and have thoroughly enjoyed every moment of gratitude throughout the day! This book speaks through the heart, so is a perfect evolutionary step for community (common~unity). I begin the day with the excercise of listing 10 things I am grateful for AND WHY. I have also adopted a 'gratitude rock' which I hold at the beginning and ending of the day (and whenever I reach into my bag) and think of the event I am most grateful for in my day... wow! watch the days just get better and better!

I have been floating around in a happy blissful productive and prosperous glow xox

Around 250 pages of valid and useful guidance.. but by the first page, you will have the idea. Just enjoy the journey!


One predominant area of my life I am grateful for is YOU... the readers, the ones who enjoy the Bliss.. the HEALING and the LOVE.

I have shared many tears of joy as I have enjoyed referral after referral for ChaiBLISS... Angel Readings/Healings and Homeopathic Remedies. I am truly blessed to be living this vocation.. Divine Guidance in action xox Thankyou again!!

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