Thursday, 5 December 2013


Here is the latest BlissHEALING Newsletter and the last Edition of the year. 

I can sense a change coming up for 2014 
.. and eagerly awaiting further Angelic Guidance in regards to the specifics.

I'll keep you posted!

AngelBLISS :: One thing is CERTAIN. I have thoroughly enjoyed offering these Readings to you via the Angels. I have met so many amazing people this year through the Divine Guidance of Angel Messages. Each and every one of you that I've read for, it is a complete HONOUR to connect with you on that level xox ((thankyou))

Another of my FAVOURITE opportunities this year (and previous years) is offering the free mini Angel Card Readings on ChaiBLISSHEALING on Facebook. These are mostly spontaneous and when we work with the Monthly Reading I really notice a Spiritual Group Consciousness of SUPPORT and UNDERSTANDING flowing through with lots of lovely GROWTH ENERGY evident. 
((thankyou again))

ChaiBLISS has found it's feet again this year. It's niche market of organic, caffeine~free chai lovers has grown with word of mouth. The taste brings us back for more and the bonus are all the HEALTH BENEFITS. 

Stay tuned for actual Market News. The Gold Coast Organic Growers Market really enjoyed having  ChaiBLISS around ... hope to see you there again next year!

Sew Sew Good Manifestation Mobiles have enjoyed some new customers, some repeat customers and a bit of a new twist.. this is definitely where I would like to branch out again next year (chai in hand) 

Following my Creative Flow brings such peace and I love to offer Eco Gifts to the World.

Homeopathic Heart has enjoyed some wonderful HEALING STORIES this year! Chronic conditions alleviated; Accidents mended; Acute conditions healed... all with a Constitutional Remedy and First Aid liquid drops. 

[100% vegan :: pet friendly :: baby, aged, child friendly:: Perfect for pregnancy :: great economic value :: immediately absorbed (unlike the lactose based pillules)]

I do look forward to treating you and or your family again next year. I am ALWAYS thrilled with the combination of Homeopathics, Angel Guidance/Healing, Reiki & Spiritual Surgery. Add a positive affirmation and WHOLISTIC WELLBEING is within your hands. The results are exemplary.

I look forward to sharing MORE HOMEOPATHIC REMEDY INFO with you asap xox

Check out the webpage for more info:

And now ... here is the ANGEL GUIDANCE READING <click link

Who is seeing things with fresh eyes at the moment?
Tonight I had an impromptu gardening session with my two youngest sons under the brand new sliver of moon and with Venus glowing upon us. As I cleaned off later, I got a massive download and sensed Archangel Jeremiel around. I'll share as much as I can...

This is the time 
We are all so much more aware of the moment as a group, as a planet right now.
We have all had SO MANY ideas over the years.. some turned out (some we wish hadn't turned out!)
This IS a review with action.
Oftentimes we get review.. without the ability to follow through for innumerable reasons. Now, we are uniting as a consciousness.. with awareness that is so powerful. The mass has been reached. We get the idea, and the opportunity arises quickly. The quickest ever.
So with fresh eyes.. everything is up for re-evaluation. Re-decorating; Re-lationships; Re-locating; Re-doing; Re-creating; Re-linquishing; Re-inventing ...  Re-laxing!
Which brings us to the second part of the message... trust. 
The way we move forward. The way we honour the past. The way we reside within the present moment, all relate to trust.
Now as a practicing homeopath I am aware of the many and varied constitutions in life. As an advocate for Astrology, I am also aware of the 12 signs and the infinite ways they mix and merge to create you, a unique being.
So trust. Trust in YOUR OWN WAY. If you need to trust slowly.. trust slowly. Just trust. If you like to rush trust.. then hurry it up. If you like to trust on your own-some,  then go it alone.. just trust. If you like to trust with others.. then find a group and trust together. The main thing is that you trust. 
Feel it. Relish in it. Practice it. Practice it again.
THIS is the message theme from Archangel Jeremiel. TRUST.


Here is our Angel Guidance Reading for the month of December 2013. The Angels also hint that this will overlap in to January '14 as new New NEW energies are integrating and aligning ((grin)).

This is the vibrant Archangel Power Tarot Cards deck. Some of you have already experienced them and received your own individual Reading and image via Facebook when they first arrived. I'd like to continue with that theme and add the individual image to each card placement. 

As you may know, I read the Tarot a little differently to others. I am self taught and through many differing styles the Celtic Cross Layout really resonates the most with me. It is different however to what is in some books, and even in the guidebook for this actual deck. I am confident with my Angelic Guidance and continue with this format/layout AND also choose another card every time a Major Arcana is drawn.

The journey of the Major Arcana is that of the Dreamer and each of our Spiritual Stations along the train tracks of life. They are common themes that we experience on a unique and individual level. (like we all have Mondays, Tuesdays etc)

I also add the 11, 12 & 13 cards. These help again to FINE TUNE the often generic themes we encounter with the Tarot (a little like exploring your personal Houses instead of just the generic Sun Signs in Astrology)

Deep breath... here goes ...



This card speaks to us about gaining physical strength in the Earthly Realm. By working with the Angels, who know us inside and out, we are Guided for our perfect conditions. 

The number 11 also refers to going through to the next level and this can be enhanced by joining forces and trusting others going through the same process. Relationships offer so much energetic support and care. 

Work together this month and offer your unique insights.


The Archangel Gabriel/Gabrielle represents the Element of Fire in this deck. Fire in the tarot is all about passion, action and creativity. It is a doing card. 

Pages mostly represent those under the age of 22 in traditional tarot. So could it be that you are following through on something you thought up when you were younger. Or is it that you can band together with the younger folk in your life. You could be assisting them, and they can be assisting you.. 

A you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours kind of opportunity.

When we read these two cards together, it really reinforces the working together theme and the strength that goes with it.



As this card represents any questions we may have this month, and Archangel Raphael represents the realm of the emotions, we are able to read this card for our current conditions (in other placements it will mean something different).

Three is a number of expansion & growth. So the question really pertains to out emotional growth at this time. 

Are we ok to rest on our laurels a little over the holidays? Or do we utilise this more intense time to hone our spiritual skills garnered over the year? Either way, growth will ensue so focus upon your own inner emotional clarity and all will sort itself out.



Here she is again! She really is the Archangel of the Month.

This card relates to Earthly things ... finances, gardens, sustenance, shelter. 

Archangel Ariel is the Archangel of Nature. Her message is to get outdoors as often as possible to work with the elements of nature to help you manifest your Earthly requirements. 

The number seven is a very spiritual number so this card resonates with Earth & Spirit, combining and harmonising together. *Physical Manifestation from Spiritual Support. Looking at all those flowers in the image, the large crystal and the co-author of the Flower Therapy book and oracle deck... this is a very Fairy themed Destiny!



Here we find our Dreamer has moved forward in his evolutionary ascension path. 

The Magician discovers the tools of manifestation; aligns his chakras; focuses on gratitude and honour his Spiritual Toolbox. 

This card represents our past, so it is good to see we have made progress with a wholistic flair.


The Realm of Earth. 

This card and the Magician merge to represent our yang qualities. What we can do with our gifts. What we can offer others. 

The number [1] of the Magician implies that we must first gain our own power by rediscovering our divinity and then we may move out and help others like a good King of the Earth. 

This may also represent some father healing. 

Ultimately the energy is of doing and caring.



We are definitely moving through some major themes together. 

The Empress with Archangel Gabriel and the number 3 honours GROWTH, EXPANSION and our ACTIONS (fire). 

The Empress honours her Spirituality and all else falls in to place. She is the feminine counterpart to the Emperor and some fiery energy could be relevant when she is around. The Divine Spark gives insight into all that is to be revealed. Call upon the archetype of the Empress and Archangel Gabriel when you are creating, communicating and connecting.


A steady, Earthy, Ariel energy with this card. 

As Lightworkers and Earth Angels we are often 'ahead of our time'. This card reminds us of our Guardian Angels and their constant companionship. As we tread the Earth, they whisper in our ears along the way. 

This card feels like a 'stop and smell the roses' kind of opportunity. Our actions affect the whole and at this time of the year the whole world seems to speed up. Slowing down, going within and creating your own timing seems perfectomundo!



Ahhh,,, emotions and spirituality. One of the most emotive cards of the tarot. Go with the flow. Feel the feelings. Act accordingly with spiritual awareness. Do you feel the fine tuning taking place on a very personal level. We have raised our vibrations, moved upward in ascension and the opportunity to smooth over those funny little traits we may have acquired along the way is with us. Water is going to play a part in our futures. Drinking it, bathing, fresh fresh feelings. In ancient spiritual cultures, water always plays a part in cleansing, calibrating and clearing. Just being near a body of water will prove very soothing.



Awwwh! This card in this placement makes me very happy for us all as a group! It is the first Air Element card of the Reading .. representing our thoughts. This card pretty much says 'I see myself as a spiritual being with Archangel Michael by my side.' So great!!

I have included the images (because I can) and so you can see that reading the tarot is a very intuitive thing. It is NOT about reading what is on the card each and every time. It IS about looking at the images. Looking at the messages offered and seeing how it fits in each different situation. A very individual process.
When I first began discovering tarot, I read every book I could possibly find. I learned the basics so well that I can now read even a deck of normal playing cards. The images are relevant sometimes.. there is always something wholistic about reading any cards. Sounds you hear while reading, feelings you get, songs, scents ... all go in to the Reading. Working with the Angels ensures that you are getting messages from a loving source. From a source of kindness, empathy and understanding. It is always a unifying experience that honours the known, unknown and what is to be created. 



Just like Astrology with predominant planets affecting one's chart, so too do tarot layouts have predominant themes. This Reading is most definitely being Guided by Archangel Ariel and the Element of Earth. The fact that she appears again in our Environment placement really enforces her presence in the Reading.

The number 8 is super special. It can relate to finances (strengthened in the Element of Earth) and also Unconditional Love. That loving Source Energy we are all here to emulate while on this home planet. This is a Heaven on Earth kind of energy we are dealing with here. We may be asked to create this energy further or we may be being offered this energy... probably BOTH!


Our second King of the Reading, this time the Element of Fire. Do we really believe in a Heavenly Father? Are we still under the rule of a patriarchal society AND religion. 

Spirituality is about the All. I sense we are completely ready for the real truth. I predict that many will openly share their insights to a greater audience and it will be very very healing. Patriarchal society is on it's last legs. Just like a cockroach when the light is suddenly flicked on.. they scatter and hide. The immense amount of truth, loving light that has expanded on planet earth in the recent decades is the switch, and patriarchy is blatantly and obviously 'stuffing up' all around the planet in an effort to be noticed. In reality, it is leaving the planet to be replaced by loving masculine energy that has always been here. 

It is the kind, funny man. The nurturing, protective, honest government. It is the community spirit that honours diversity, integrity and doing good in life. Our hopes and dreams are in a good place!



So, how do we achieve this Heaven on Earth energy? 


Here the High Priestess steps up to show the way. She shows how an honest integrity allows for all to align effortlessly. There are no order of difficulty with miracles. Love heals all. When we honour our own inner High Priestess by connecting with the movement of the seasons, the planets and eat healthful foods and think loving thoughts, we enable others to do the same. 

We are all changing. Honouring the Divinity within all things. (Do you recognise this High Priestess... relentlessly speaking her truth in a constant and loving manner.. thankyou!)


A very steady number 4 energy teamed with Earthly stability are the outcome for this Reading and this year as a whole. 

We have learned so much this year. Really! Congratulate yourselves for the amazing and diverse intensity we put our hands up for. 

This card honours the strength and stability we have made as a foundation for ourselves and our loved ones. We have cleared. We have re-established boundaries. We have created an equal and balanced platform for the next phase. 

Bring on 2014!



This card is one of Emotional Healing. 

It reminds us that others may not be at our level and that we can offer emotional support. It reminds us that we may require some emotional support moving forward. 

It is a process card. A card of movement, of change, of grace. 

Calling upon Archangel Raphael before sleep is a wonderful habit to get in to. His healing energy works all the way through to the physical level, healing the emotions that started the ailments in the first place. Archangel Raphael's energy also assists with relationships and romance. He can also clear obstacles for future travel and aligns you with helping Earth Angels along the way. Yes please!



Rounding off an ultimately very wholistic Reading with the Air Element.. our thoughts. Six in tarot represents our home, our creativity and nurturing and sustenance. So ultimately this fine tuning card shows that we are thinking of these things. Working from home and having a nurturing environment to rest and play are paramount as we look to begin a new year in a new paradigm. Working with Archangel Michael constantly is already established. (YAY)

The card itself reads '.. the light at the end of the tunnel.' So double yay! A nice celebratory end to the month and the year. A year well-done!



Hahaha, we get it! Archangel Ariel is EVERYWHERE this month. Her loving Earthly Energy is reinforced in the home and our creativity. This is a super nurturing card. It's actually even very 'xmas' ... 'Giving or receiving with a grateful heart.' Angel Santa ;)

Look at heart felt homemade offerings this year. Potted herbs. Organic fabrics. Organic food. Simple. Clean and 'of the Earth' sustenance. 

... and maybe a K.I.S.S for NYE. (Keep It Simple Sweety ;)

What a fun ending!
Thanks for your supportive comments through out the year.
Enjoy your Solstice in your hemisphere. 
Om Shanti

Friday, 1 November 2013


Hi Sweet Hearts,
This month I was Guided to honour my Pagan roots with the Angel Guidance Reading for this month. Although not technically an Angel Oracle Deck, the Angels are definitely the ones sharing the messages! This is one of the first decks I collected many moons ago. The Wicca Pack by Sally Morningstar contains a bright and organic, colourful deck that aligns us with our connection with the Earth and it's rhythms and Seasons. Perfect, the Angels tell us, for this time of year... Beltaine in the Southern Hemisphere and Samhain/Halloween in the North.

So, to wherever you are at this time... take a few moments to centre yourself with some deep, clearing breaths and connect to Your Place in this Moment, for you are in exactly the perfect place for you right now xox


The Angels share that this time is again, a time of 're-setting'. Our past is free, and our future is an endless opportunity for Miracles. We are reminded of the previous month's Guidance regarding Parenting Ourselves. This month we are continuing to care for ourself in a way that is intuitive and Divinely Guided. 
The bat is a symbol of adaptation. Of navigating the Realms between Earth and Spirit... between light and dark... perfect for this Halloween/Beltaine energy! The two lotus flowers remind us that the dross is there as fertiliser... that we have indeed utilised our past wisely and are now blossoming above the water (our emotions) following the Path of Ascension perfectly. Utilising what is right there is paramount, as is connecting on a Soul Level with others as relationships are also showing up in this card's message. 
Remember, like the moon, that we have personal and planetary cycles. Honouring our own timing is key right now. While others are powering forward or resting it matters not, really. Keep to your True Guidance and you will find your Soul Group.


When I first saw the cards of this bright and colourful deck presenting themselves with the darkest of themes for this month's reading, I had to check with the pendulum to see if it was the 'right layout' for the BlissHEALING Readers... after all, it was Beltaine too! The Angels assured me that although this appears to be more of a Halloween theme, the Light is everpresent.
Black cat does represent the question of the current situation, so it fits very well. On a wholistic message level, it relates to what we are PERCEIVING WITH OUR WHOLISTIC SENSES. Whether we are clairvoyant, psychic, clairaudient or what ever name you use, we are all receiving messages ALL THE TIME. Each of us appear similar (like any black cat appears similar to another black cat), yet deep down, we are increasingly more and more individual and unique in a GOOD WAY! Our skills are filtering through more and more and we really can't question them any longer as they present as true and accurate in every day situations. Our hunches are spot on. Our Angels are everpresent. This card reminds us to only query the lack of love in any situation.. for this is the only true question and the answer is always, always LOVE.


The Angels show that our destiny within this situation is one of a healing journey within. The green leaves on the outside of the cave symbolise new growth and opportunities in a seemingly impossible situation. The fire within represents ACTION and PASSION and links us to the Sacred Unions and activities of a private nature. 
Sometimes it's ok not to tell everyone everything all the time. The circle of fire can be very private and very safe in your own personal cave. The bear will offer the perfect timing regarding this theme and indicates deep Earth HEALING. Again the full moon shines forth in the card's image (like in the bat card). As we are nearing a New Moon on the 3rd November in Scorpio, much will be revealed that will lead you further with your intrigue and answer all. The next Full Moon will be in Taurus on the 18th bringing all the Earthly answers and delights to the physical realm.


Wow, a lot of energy in this image! Take note of the Golden Angel that has been protecting you through the past month of severe and extreme situations. You may have survived an accident; heard some unsettling news; experienced strong relationship changes or had a loved one pass. This card shows that your Guardian Angel has been with you very closely during these experiences and is continuing to increase and enhance your personal relationship on a wholistic level. Awareness can definitely lessen the lessons :) (nice one Angels!)
Maybe you have a personal talisman or a lucky item. It could be an actual rock or a gift from a child or a favourite white feather left in your path as a sign from your Angels that you are being looked after. Often songs are signs. Infact to continue your protective energy shield, do play music you love as this elevates you to another level. A level where protection is not even required as there is in truth, no danger.  Love will protect you and offer the insights that you seek. Sometimes we are completely on the right track, we just need to allow our field of view to become sharper. Either way, the past is in the past and everything presents itself as necessary xox


Oh the poor old dragon in this image! The look on it's face is one of complete weariness.. a look of 'oh no, not THIS again!'. Classic Mercury Retrograde occurrences may be happening for you or to those you love. Yes, it's a cycle back around to receive things from the past regarding travel and information. News from the past can be an opportunity for freedom.. hence this card.. the sword. As we know, Archangel Michael is the Angel with the Sword of Light, so working with him this month is highly indicated. Ask him to completely CUT all ties to all that is unlike love in all directions of time. From the symbolism on this card, you will be 'constrained' until you do and the clue is in your emotions. Where do you dip your toe/tail into the waters of emotions that have you come unstuck,, that have you saying 'oh no, not this again'? Here is your moment, the opportunity to clear it once and for all with love Love LOVE. Deep breaths! The dragon totem is a true Guide. They are often the leaders and pioneers way up and ahead of the rest of the pack. Their style is magical and charismatic in their teaching. They are story tellers. What IS your story? Deep cards hey.


Yes! Here is a card that represents the Healing Light of our Collective Futures. This card references the Earth directly. It is all about our personal connection with the planet that has been our home for this entire lifetime. It is about Diversity, Dedication and the Divine within this Realm. 
This card speaks of COMMUNICATION, as referenced by the clear, light blue sky background in the image. All elements are honoured with this connection, remembering the message regarding personal fire and action from the first card.
This card is an invitation to commune with Nature. To revel within your connection. To reflect upon your past connections... and to focus upon the new connections, blessing them before they even occur. 
As we step in to the light TOGETHER, we will recognise one another for all that we are. I for one am very ready for this next step!


This card speaks of healing through knowledge at any time in any location. This is referenced again by the green vine-like leaves and the yellow colouring that represents intellectual knowledge. This yellow also references the cat card and the theme of psychism. There is also a sense of nourishment and safety as the field contains grains and is a sacral chakra type colour of pale orange, thus blending the two ideas of knowledge and safety/nourishment. The sun is seen on the horizon which the Angels show means that we are aware that the sun sets on our past while rises again for our futures and that we are aware of this very keenly.
This card also reminds us of our role as self parent. The womb is where we are from and as we open our hearts and our arms wide to the new energies we are aware of our Divinity.
Placing love and trust in to the cauldron ensures the future results will contain these flavours.

How are you resonating with this card deck so far?
The key shows up to offer us an opening this month. The surrounding images near the key; the 7 rays of light = spiritual opportunity & the 8 surrounding flourishes around the key indicate unconditional love. I feel strongly that this is a receiving card. Look at the heart. The space and the key fit and there is room for light to enter. The humanity presented in the image is cloaked in a protective, totemic energy of the All-Knowing, Night-Flying owl... more dreams ahead to take note of. For the owl can see through the darkness and will report back to us all that we need to know.
The Angels share that the Owl also is connected to song. A deep, personal connection. This card talks of shamanistic visions including pertinent private awareness. To step out in to the world this month, honour Spirit and be aware of her Guidance. Allow your wings to stretch further to enable the nuances to filter through to you directly. No more reaching out for superficial stimulants.. this is the raw, real deal. Your voice will be empowered for those with ears to hear and your heart is open for the perfect connections. 
A dance unfolds this month. An exquisite, life-changing awareness of your connection on this planet. 
Om Shanti.

This card contains the 2nd of the snake images for this month's reading. As we come to the end of the year of the Water Snake, her energy is showing up so as not to be dismissed. For the snake really does love attention. 
This card is filled with symbols and represents the STRENGTH OF THE MASCULINE within Nature and the Earthly Realm. 
For too long the patriarchal society has denied the true strength of man. Turning him in to a slave driving machine worshipping drone. This man is raw to the core. He sits in his family tree and is aware of his Spiritual Power. The lightning bolt feeds his Crown Chakra and he is comfortable in his original form both day and night. The acorn falls from a high to share the knowledge with others, as we are all on differing rungs of the Ascension Ladder. 
A strong man may or may not own a shed full of power tools. He may be the quiet one, communing with his own relationship with the All. Looking at the whole of someone enables the true wisdoms to be felt on every level. This card shows that our truest wish is to be a part of a Whole Humanity on every level. 

At Halloween it is very popular to 'dress-up'. What is it we are reflecting to others, to ourselves with our masks and masquerades? This is the 'outcome' card.. so are we going to continue showing a facade to others? 
This card teaches of karma.. the action we present, is the action we shall receive. Often, as the picture depicts, we may be pleasantly surprised by the reflection presented to us. 
The magical as well as the mundane is available to perceive. Our own openness will determine the light that we share and see. On top of the mirror is another moon cycle reference, reminding us to retreat upon occasion (like the bear teaches) to honour our true transformation. 
Again, another card that hones our integrity, yet is ultimately giving us the opportunity to RECEIVE our true selves. Our Highest Self is always available. Our Angelic Guidance is always available too. Who we truly are cannot be fully masked.

We have been taught that our 'nemesis' is our undoing, our enemy. Yet here, in Pagan teachings, we see that it merely means becoming our passion. Before us she stands dressed entirely in her dress of fire, of flame... the fire a symbol of our actions.. our Divine Life Purpose. That which we were born to do. That which we would happily do for free every day. It is our greatest gift.
So part of the outcome for this month is to alter our perceptions so that we may see all as truly supportive and positive. Did you know that the idea of Satan was not even in the original Old Testament. So much truth and knowledge is being given freely to us NOW, for those with eyes to see. It is truly an opportunity to dispel all the lies and to go back to our original natures of honesty and transparency. We are all in such similar states right now and always have been. The illusions have been falling for decades. This is why we are here.. to remove the fear, and transport every one and every thing in to LOVE.
Our Divine Life Purpose will actively burn off any last residual personal fear as we rise daily to our gifts. This card oozes FRESHNESS! Well done xox

This card reminds us that all is available for our growth, sustenance and moving forward. It reminds us to ask so that we may receive. I feel this card reminds us to make sure everything is in it's rightful order. Here in the Southern Hemisphere, shops start selling halloween gear months in advance, hoping to sell a plastic trinket to a susceptible consumer. In reality, our Halloween is in May. Yet our kids all 'buy-in' to the hype and tramp around in the ghoulish gear 6 months out of synch with what is true. Please don't get me started on all the chemically-laden lollies they are looking for. 
So this card looks strong! It is strong! It is a warning and a blessing at once. Everything in it's place and a place for everything. When we honour the natural rhythms and cycles our planet graces us with every day and night consistently we WILL enjoy harmony and union. Our weather knows exactly what to do to find this balance. Homeostasis is a natural, biological occurrence and Nature is the master of this!
This card reminds us to utilise what it is that we require equally from the vast cornucopia on offer. Give and receive equally from each element. Honour the sacred principles and tread lightly upon the earth xox.

We are creatures of habit, us humans. So are all living things. We repeat. We start over. We redo. 
By finding our centre, we can accumulate brilliant life-enhancing new habits. Our subconscious is in reset mode. Our pathways are renewed. We are formulating the new BluePrint for this amazing planet. We are inspired by the organic balcony gardeners. By the photographers of beauty. By the singers of the songs that resonate deep within our hearts. 
We are uplifted by quality design; by amazing textiles honed by nature and harvested by hand and heart. We are nourished by the quality recipes of plant-based colourful fare at every turn. We dispel the negative even as we sleep and dream. We awaken inspired by truth in every way. We begin again and again, each day, each thought an opportunity and a realisation of the new-and-improved. 
Listen to your vibration. What are you resonating with? How harmonious are you ? This month let us allow our patterns to nurture, nourish and fulfill the Divine Plan in all ways. 
Namaste & Shalom
Rainbow Butterfly Tara 

find God in your backyard

Friday, 4 October 2013


4123 page views !!!

Thanks everyone for joining me here at ChaiBLISS Healing ... 

As many of you may know, I am a Soul Parent of 4 Amazing Earth Angels. Some months getting this newsletter 'out' is easier than others.

This year our family has undergone many day to day changes with new study opportunities, business growth and just growth in general being a part of our everyday.
My Spiritual Practices have increased and I am enjoying the  benefits. Meditation has been a huge part of my life for over 20 years now and I find this to be a Super Sacred Connection in my everyday. A great thrill for me recently has been the choice of my children to join me at a weekly meditation group. Every week I enjoy supportive comments about my children from this group and it is a highlight for us all.

Mercury is beginning the shadow of the retrograde period and I have updated my communications networks (phone/internet etc) This has created a lot of ease and I am grateful for Archangel Gabrielle assisting me with many contract deals (getting OUT of them especially!)

The school holidays are with us here at the moment and I have been dialling in to my 'own Divine Timing'... giving LOTS of space around appointments and 'to-do' lists. Instead I got new bikinis, a bunch of great mags and amazing books from the local library and I cross the road most days to enjoy the beach. Yes, I have been reading more than actual Readings, but the time is rare and I feel recharged and confident in new habits that are shining through. 

7 minute workouts*, Hula Hooping (!!!) ... LAUGHING. 

But now to US. We have been working with these Oracle Card Readings together with increasing strength and clarity and support. I ADORE our Angel Community and this week, to increase the community even further, I asked my daughter to choose the deck for this month's Angel Guidance Reading.... drumroll thankyou.... 

She chose the MAGICAL UNICORNS ORACLE CARDS !!! My reaction to her choice was overwhelming JOY ;) ... cue spontaneous hula hooping ...

This month, although I had quite a list for topics to include in the October Edition of BlissHEALING Newsletter.. the Angels have hinted that I focus more upon the free Reading aspect and let the topics marinate (or dissipate, whichever suits) till November. 

With worm farms to set up, swans to feed, whales to wave to (and save) .. plus just being a good ole Mum.. I am happy to heed their Guidance and pare it back a little this month and spend more time stargazing and going with the flow. 

Orders have been picking up each and every week too, so I am not entirely 'sitting around' twiddling my thumbs! The Gold Coast Grower's Organic Market on a Sunday Morning is taking off for my brother and my eldest son. New 'Market Packaging' is also being revealed for the first time this week!

Front and back views

Recently on Instagram, I have been sharing a little of Flower Therapy, Sew Sew Good items, musings and some vegan pics. It really is FUN! Our page is CHAI_BLISS. My daughter set that one up for me, now I enjoy posting most days. Photography is a lovely communicative creative avenue and on Facebook I have joined a group called The Breakfast Club Diaries. I first heard about them on Byron Bay local radio when they were being interviewed on the Lighthouse Lounge (an inspiring adventure in itself). New music by Bobby Alu has been gracing the airwaves in my personal space and did I mention the hula hoop (LOL) ... find them at Threeworlds.

Time for some Unicorn Magic.... In Joy,
Rainbow Butterfly Tara


DECIDE ~ 'It's time to clearly make a decision about what you want.'
With a Libran New Moon upon us, the Angels say that this is the perfect time to set goals and choose YOUR life. A Course In Miracles says that we can only choose love or fear ... both cannot exist at the same time. With this in mind, and with mindful breath... it is EASY to choose love every time. Fine tuning this is a true art and a life's work. Allow the Unicorns to lift you nightly into the Realm of Dreams to access wholistic teachings designed just for YOU. Stay in the moment as much as you can this month. xox
A message from the image of this card is from the fountain... visualise yourself as protected by a pure veil of love. This will ensure that the decisions you are making are from love and not influenced by another. See this around others too to ensure they get the best of their moments. Also stay well hydrated.

BELIEVE IN YOURSELF ~ 'See yourself doing well, and you will.'
This works well with the first card... the energy of honing your thoughts as they arise, and also pre-programming SUCCESSFUL OUTCOMES into your future. I love to affirm 'a Magnificent Outcome' and delight in the results. Learning and questions go hand in hand but as they say 'when you see the light at the end of the tunnel, stop digging!' It seems that we have reached an energetic level of attainment that requires no more questioning that which we already know. Giving ourselves credit for asking the questions, receiving the answers and now, utilising the knowingness. In other words... we got it! 
A lovely visual message from this card is the rainbow. When we visualise our chakras as aligned, bright and healthy, this actually occurs. 

LISTEN TO YOUR TRUE FEELINGS ~ 'Don't let others talk you into doing something that you know is wrong.'
... noticing a theme ?!  Now the Angels are jumping in to reassure us that the whole world is NOT out to get us this month. Many of us have a secure and loving soul group of friends and family around us who's words we can trust implicitly. It IS a theme though, to remain in this loving space when someone bursts our bubble... or news hits us. Shocks do occur in life. It is how we assimilate them and deal with them that makes us who we are. Loving Kindness assures that we become highly sensitive to our truth and the truth of all. Our feelings enable a mechanism of discerning what is right for us and what is not. Daily meditation, good nutrition, and good friends ensure that our feelings are balanced, healthy and trustworthy. 
The Angels are always looking out for us with repeated messages and opportunities regarding our health and wellbeing. This is about honouring our Personal Journey and that of others. 
Another reminder in the image of the card to drink lots of fresh water.

WORTH WAITING FOR ~ 'Your patience will be rewarded.'
The past, the past, the past. 
Calling in Archangel Michael now to gently and completely cut all chords to any and all remaining 'issues' from the 'past'... in this moment all is well, all is love, all is available. Deep breath, and again.. and another for good measure. 
Our past is a springboard of experiences, ideas and opportunities. The now enables us to discern which of these past items deserves place in our future. The resetting ability of meditation enables us to zone straight back in to Source Energy. The all that we are. Our eternal nature. Here where past, present and future are one.
This month, as we sit with our inner essence, it is an opportunity for us to RECEIVE. For we have made many wishes in the past, for ourselves.. for others. If we continue to keep rushing and 'doing' instead of 'being', we may miss the receiving. In the image, the woman is surrounded by her wishes. They are literally on her lap! She is being supported from behind and her views are stunning in every direction. Here she is with her totality. This month it is a reminder to pause regularly to allow life to catch up and nurture us.

DEFINITELY YES ~ 'The answer to your question is a strong 'Yes'!'
Referring back to the 2nd card (the question) .. this card is the answer! A strong resounding YES to all that is like love in our lives.
Revel in this affirmative, accepting energy this month. Program your self to see the positive... the soul~ution. 
Another card with strong imagery of water. Water is transformative. Energising.  BALANCING... perfect for the Libran Season. Being near bodies of water aligns our bodies with hope, expansion and happy, healthy round cells. 
As Xavier Rudd sings.. 'take a stroll to the nearest water's edge... remember your place.'
'Cherish this moment.. cherish this breath.'
~ Follow the Sun

BROTHERS AND SISTERS ~ 'To get along with others, see the love - and the best - within them.'
It is true, many religions call us all brothers and sisters. This is a unifying view that sees God and the Goddess as our Divine Parents, all of us. It honours our own Divinity. How do you see others? Are they true reflections of you? Are they 'different' or unique? Are you able to see similarities within yourself and others? This new consciousness is a unifying one. We are unique and similar. The balance of life between man/woman, young/old, rich/poor is an infinite scale.
The image on the card shows two similar unicorns amidst an energetic ocean. Again, a water reminder. Seeing ourselves amidst this flowing framework allows us to find peace and love with our relationship with others. When we send out loving thoughts into the stream.. it attracts and permeates that love towards others. The cycle continues with receiving this love again. 

HAPPY SURPRISE ~ 'Something very good is about to happen!'
The Angels remind us of the role of the Unicorns in all of our lives. The Unicorns are the dream guides who deliver us to where we need to go during our learning. Each of us has our own Unicorn. They have been with us all our lives.
This month the opportunity to tune in to that childlike wonder of the world is ripe before us. Familiar scents, scenes and sensations may be expected. 
This card shows that we constantly surprise our selves and that this brings about a long lasting happiness.
The card image shows a little girl at her window. The Unicorns are offering a little excercise in creating a positive and happy future. Take a few slow filling breaths and centre yourself. Now imagine You are looking out a window, what happy surprises are you hoping to see. Visualise these wonderful things and be open to them turning up in your future life!

CHANGE ~ 'The changes that you're going through are positive.'
How wonderful the Unicorn messages are! So comforting and reassuring. The image of this card shows that our changes are protected. There are large pillars either side and a doorway shape is created. I feel this is an opportunity to see how far we have come. The image shows a lush forest in the background, indicating that we have all garnered so much information and experience. This time is a rebirthing in to the New Energy. We are parenting ourselves now. Our relationships will change, but this card ensures us that all is positive. This will ofcourse depend on our individual perspective and allowance of Grace.
The Angels and Unicorns assure us as a Group that we have worked so well together over the last years. Each month we read their Guidance and follow what it means to us, individually. There is a lot to celebrate. With our highly astute minds and wise, open hearts, we have made many wishes and this is the time of them materialising. Keep going at your own pace. Smile. Breathe.. nourish yourselves with amazing knowledge, organic rainbow foods and some good healthy EXPLORING ;)

JUST BE YOURSELF ~ 'You're a great person - enjoy being yourself!'
This says it all really!
It is a very real and honest, ancient wish to be appreciated and loved for who we really are. This is a primal instinct. This also begins with Self. 
Self love is a true journey of peace and adventure. When we truly love ourselves our 'other' plans of fitting in, succeeding or reaching certain goals may seem shallow and unhealthy. 
When we focus upon our inner light and our true story, we literally shine so that our pathway ahead is illuminated. 
The card image hints that this card and placement is also about Unity. Relationships in all forms create a deeper sense of who we truly are. Being ourself around our friends and loved ones is one of the best feelings on Earth.
I have been having recurring visions of the social scene world wide shifting into this amazing co-operative love fest of compliments, creativity and joy. See the dove in this card. Peace is a true Guide. It can be literally felt, seen and given. The castle at the top of the hill may be home or represent an unattainable goal. Your own personal journey has strengthened you in untold ways. You are being noticed for this high vibrational polished result. It is safe for you to love and share your wisdoms.

LET GO OF STRESS ~ 'Don't take on other people's stress. Breathe it out now.'
Look at the lady's aura! It is lavender! The Angels explain that this is the colour of the Ascended Master incarnated upon the Earth. They are showing that this is US. We are mastering our Realms. Each of us has attained our level of acquirement. This is a time to celebrate xox
The practical message of the card is that others are still letting go of their stuff right now. This is perfectly normal and divinely timed. It is also a head's up to stay out of the way while this occurs ;) .. lest any debris sticks.
The forest is a perfect place to recharge and clean our auric bodies. Any tree lover will attest to their wonderful company. From the looks of this card image, there will be other added guests accompanying you. Many of the Elves, Fairies and Gnomes are joining us at this time to assist. 
The MOST IMPORTANT thing is to FOCUS ON WHAT YOU LOVE. Disregard the unpleasant for it is leaving the planet now. Ignore the problems for they are going to dissipate as soon as you focus on what makes YOU happy. 
Surround yourself with love and go forth!

LOVE HEALS FEAR ~ 'The power of your love can help bullies and angry people to be less afraid.'
The perfect accompanying card to the previous one. For our hearts know that we are not callous by ignoring the pain in the world. We are here to transmute fear in to love. This is done by honouring love. Being love. Thinking love. Feeling love. LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE. 
'What would love do now?' 
This question will show the way forward if you get stuck in the fear. Or if fear seems to forming a barricade forward. Remember that some blocks are literally blessings in disguise. A lovely mantra is to ask the Angels, 'Please show me the blessings in this situation.' This immediately allows the Angels to show the truth in any given situation. It is your 'get-out-of-jail-free' card. For love truly sets us free.

RELAX - EVERYTHING'S OKAY ~ 'Don't worry .. it's all going to be fine.'
This card reinforces the rebirthing theme. This is a baby Unicorn depicted on the card. She is nestled in a heart chakra healing forest, surrounded by loving energies.
To embody this energy for yourself, take the time to actually relax. By relaxing, you actually create this calm. We have had so much to 'do'. As the Angels have mentioned, we have reached a level of attainment and the next way forward is through centredness and beingness. This equates to relaxation and tuning in. Lots of inner realignments going on, so rest up as they integrate. Naps are noted as being one thing to do for higher productivity in scientific studies. Again, meditation is a welcome addition in our everyday routine. 
Like the Unicorn, when we focus our attention upon the Spark of Soul Light behind our physical eyes (where the Unicorn has it's horn) then we start to see the world and beyond in it's full truth and healing occurs on all levels.

THANKFUL ~ 'Think about the people and things you feel grateful for.'
A very cuddly and serene atmosphere permeates this card. The lavender of attainment is again indicated. So is the castle. Rising to a new altitude of vibration enables such sweetness of appreciation for the moment to moment occurrences. THIS is the underlying energy of this month. Pure, simple .. gratitude. 
Being thankful ensures that all our moments line up one after another with miracles. This is a true extension of loving energy. Love is the only creative force in the Universe. Utilising this, harnesses the majesty of all life, all knowledge ... all LOVE.

... Quite a lot of recurring themes for this month's Angel Guidance Reading/Healing.
Rest, LOVE, gratitude. Trees, water, .. rest again. There is an inner knowingness that affords this patience within us. It is a trust instilled within us from experience. We are confident with our life journeys so far and are at the precipice of new new newness!

Many hugs to you and those you love!
Create compliments for yourself and others this month and cultivate a new habit of care.

Angel Blessings