Thursday, 5 December 2013


Here is the latest BlissHEALING Newsletter and the last Edition of the year. 

I can sense a change coming up for 2014 
.. and eagerly awaiting further Angelic Guidance in regards to the specifics.

I'll keep you posted!

AngelBLISS :: One thing is CERTAIN. I have thoroughly enjoyed offering these Readings to you via the Angels. I have met so many amazing people this year through the Divine Guidance of Angel Messages. Each and every one of you that I've read for, it is a complete HONOUR to connect with you on that level xox ((thankyou))

Another of my FAVOURITE opportunities this year (and previous years) is offering the free mini Angel Card Readings on ChaiBLISSHEALING on Facebook. These are mostly spontaneous and when we work with the Monthly Reading I really notice a Spiritual Group Consciousness of SUPPORT and UNDERSTANDING flowing through with lots of lovely GROWTH ENERGY evident. 
((thankyou again))

ChaiBLISS has found it's feet again this year. It's niche market of organic, caffeine~free chai lovers has grown with word of mouth. The taste brings us back for more and the bonus are all the HEALTH BENEFITS. 

Stay tuned for actual Market News. The Gold Coast Organic Growers Market really enjoyed having  ChaiBLISS around ... hope to see you there again next year!

Sew Sew Good Manifestation Mobiles have enjoyed some new customers, some repeat customers and a bit of a new twist.. this is definitely where I would like to branch out again next year (chai in hand) 

Following my Creative Flow brings such peace and I love to offer Eco Gifts to the World.

Homeopathic Heart has enjoyed some wonderful HEALING STORIES this year! Chronic conditions alleviated; Accidents mended; Acute conditions healed... all with a Constitutional Remedy and First Aid liquid drops. 

[100% vegan :: pet friendly :: baby, aged, child friendly:: Perfect for pregnancy :: great economic value :: immediately absorbed (unlike the lactose based pillules)]

I do look forward to treating you and or your family again next year. I am ALWAYS thrilled with the combination of Homeopathics, Angel Guidance/Healing, Reiki & Spiritual Surgery. Add a positive affirmation and WHOLISTIC WELLBEING is within your hands. The results are exemplary.

I look forward to sharing MORE HOMEOPATHIC REMEDY INFO with you asap xox

Check out the webpage for more info:

And now ... here is the ANGEL GUIDANCE READING <click link

Who is seeing things with fresh eyes at the moment?
Tonight I had an impromptu gardening session with my two youngest sons under the brand new sliver of moon and with Venus glowing upon us. As I cleaned off later, I got a massive download and sensed Archangel Jeremiel around. I'll share as much as I can...

This is the time 
We are all so much more aware of the moment as a group, as a planet right now.
We have all had SO MANY ideas over the years.. some turned out (some we wish hadn't turned out!)
This IS a review with action.
Oftentimes we get review.. without the ability to follow through for innumerable reasons. Now, we are uniting as a consciousness.. with awareness that is so powerful. The mass has been reached. We get the idea, and the opportunity arises quickly. The quickest ever.
So with fresh eyes.. everything is up for re-evaluation. Re-decorating; Re-lationships; Re-locating; Re-doing; Re-creating; Re-linquishing; Re-inventing ...  Re-laxing!
Which brings us to the second part of the message... trust. 
The way we move forward. The way we honour the past. The way we reside within the present moment, all relate to trust.
Now as a practicing homeopath I am aware of the many and varied constitutions in life. As an advocate for Astrology, I am also aware of the 12 signs and the infinite ways they mix and merge to create you, a unique being.
So trust. Trust in YOUR OWN WAY. If you need to trust slowly.. trust slowly. Just trust. If you like to rush trust.. then hurry it up. If you like to trust on your own-some,  then go it alone.. just trust. If you like to trust with others.. then find a group and trust together. The main thing is that you trust. 
Feel it. Relish in it. Practice it. Practice it again.
THIS is the message theme from Archangel Jeremiel. TRUST.

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