Tuesday 3 September 2013


Here we are at a change in season. A stunning time when the days and nights equal out and the weather is at it's most resplendent. I am a Spring-born baby, so I relish this season here, in the Southern Hemisphere.

I have been FULL this past month, so I will be short and sweet, and to the point with this Newsletter.

In this Edition
Angel Guidance Message from Archangel Haniel :: Cycles, Spirituality and Staying Calm
Angel Guidance Reading for September :: NEW Flower Therapy Oracle deck 
(( iPhone version ))
Choosing an Angel Oracle Deck for your Readings :: A Guide to each Angel Oracle Deck and what they suit best

Firstly, from Archangel Haniel...

I have been looking forward to this message, as I have felt Archangel Haniel around with her Guidance this past month or more.

I shall write as she speaks and simply share the message she has for us all at this time:

Hi Divine Beings of Light,
I AM with you all at this time. I am invigorating your sense of 'child-like' wonder with the world. Enhancing your inner wishes and talents. 
I see the world that you see, and I sense your thoughts and feelings regarding the crumbling of the 'old ways'. These archaic thought patterns ARE leaving, and this IS a big RUSH of clearing right now. The media is a wonderful tool. HOWEVER, it can also harm our sense of optimism, play and child-like wonder when we focus upon the negatives. 
Life is a CYCLIC existence. The days/nights are cycles. The weeks/months are cycles. The weather. The moon. All cycles. Upon Earth at this time, you were due for an Ice Age again. We knew this would simply just not do, so plans were made to warm things up. 
We have reached the level of warmth needed to sustain life and the new technology of sustaining further life in a harmonious way are now fully in place. Hybrid cars, solar panels... all part of humane existence now.. and ready to be shared out fully with the world. Permaculture and community values.. all set up and growing nicely! 
Our burgeoning new ways are actually part of the Ancient Blue Print for the planet. They sustain happy, wholistic beings and the Natural Realm is honoured and nurtured. It becomes a healing existence further and further as this evolves. 
By becoming part of this way of life, your senses will be nourished and you will be wholistically 'looked after' so to speak. You will have Calm, Courage and Contentment. Your life will be filled with MIRACLES and wonder.
So, tune in to your younger self. Skip around to your favourite songs. Make friends like you used to and play play PLAY!
Your hearts are linking up through a chemical enhancement of JOY. As you know, your physical (and wholistic) bodies are made up of atoms, light and love. Your chemistry, once you engage in the energy of JOY, changes. This affects the cycles of the whole planet and new and amazing opportunities materialise.
So know, dear hearts, that the world you see is destined to change. Know deep in your Beingness that you are part of this change, that you are a planner, a designer, a Co-Creator! Magnificence is your birthright and you are a true pioneer RIGHT NOW.
With Angel Hugs and Happy Hearted Blessings
Archangel Haniel.
(yes, I am attuned to the moon/lunar energy. You can feel my enhanced connection when you attune with the moon xox)


My new deck is on it's way. In the meantime, I have downloaded the iPhone app (my first one!) and I am endeavouring to do this month's free monthly Reading with my phone! Here goes (calling All Angels & Fairies!) 

{If you are new to the BlissHEALING monthly Reading format, please see other Readings for the layout)

OPEN YOUR ARMS TO RECEIVING ~ EUCALYPTUS. 'You've prayed for help now be open to accepting it.'

I am Guided to focus upon the colouring in this card. The yellow in the centre of the flowering gum represents INTELLECT. The knowingness that our MIND can comprehend. In the background is a lovely heart-chakra green. This shows that the current situation is based on heart centred themes. The Fireworks of the actual flower in a lovely cosmic red show that the actual receiving of this will occur with speed and be very direct on a physical level. This is a very positive card!

TAKE TIME FOR YOURSELF ~ TULIPS. 'Enjoy relaxation activities that nurture your soul.'

The Angels say that this is really a question screaming, 'Do we have to do THIS alone!!' Our lives have all changed so much and we are really 'done' with all the growth we have been through. Like sapling trees, we are tired and a little weary of growing in harsh conditions. We long for the group support of the forest, where our leaves rustle within another's tree. Where our roots touch under the nurturing soil. We long for our CONNECTIONS. The clue is in the wording this month (and every month in this instance) ... soul! Soul Consciousness enables us to transcend earthly traumas, perceptions, annoyances, feelings, physicalities of uncomfortability. Our Soul IS our connection. It is the Divine Spark within us ALL. It is the reason we LIVE. It contains all love, all knowledge, all compassion, all healing.. all CONNECTION. Breathe in and consciously connect to that divine spark of white light that resides within you. It is the ETERNAL. It is the BLISS. It is the LOVE xox

YOU ARE HEALED ~ CALENDULA/POT MARIGOLD. 'The healing you've prayed for is on it's way.'

How POSITIVE are the flowers! So nourishing and supportive! Love them. Another GOOD NEWS card. This one affirming that your prayers for healing have been heard, answered and put into place. This is a wholistic healing, the Angels say. Look at the card, and notice how there are two predominant flowers in focus. This indicates that the Fairies are focussing on our one-on-one relationships and healing that occurs with that. Issues destined to incur healing are romantic relationships, parental relationships, close friendships. Anything that has to do with a significant other. This might have something to do with the card above and the Two Lips ! 

RELEASE ALL ANGER ~ SNAPDRAGON. 'Don't give power to negative words by saying them. Speak from your Higher Self, and make your communications peaceful and loving.'

This is wonderful! All that anger is dealt with and left in the past. We have learned to connect to Soul Energy which affords us peacefilled communications as our thoughts and therefore, experiences, are peace filled and loving. A lovely confirmation that we are well on the way in our moving forward stages. A really pretty flower to have around to dispel angry vibes.

(This flower pops up again in a few card's time. The blessing in the situation is, that when you are surrounded by anger on all sides, to honour your zen-like Soul Self, and the Soul Self of others.. thus diffusing the ego's energy and the feeling of separation, enhancing peace!)

REACH FOR THE STARS ~ ORCHID. 'You deserve only the best, and this is all you should focus your attention on.'

As I also have the actual Flower Therapy book, and I recently was gifted some orchids by my Mum (thanks Mum!) I also know that this flower represents taking one step at a time to a desired goal. This is a multi-faceted card. Firstly, we reach for the stars and expect the best with our intentions.. then we take the micro-steps required with loving action to follow our Guidance and attain our current goal. A very helpful flower!
There have been lots of yellows, pinks and reds in the flowers so far. The Fairies show that the centre of yellow and magenta in the pictured orchids represent the Higher Self in relationships and the intelligence and common-unity (Community) that comes with that. Honouring our Higher Self goes hand in hand with Soul Consciousness. Many years ago, when I started on my spiritual path, I recall writing quite a large hand-coloured poster saying 'Soul, I am YOU!' It was also around this time that I saw my meditation teacher's aura colour.. yep, magenta. We discovered this was a new aura colour that represented working with Soul Groups and can indicate that the relationship is one that has been activated previously on this Higher Self level. Wearing magenta naturally harmonises with the Higher Self perspective.
SHIELD YOURSELF ~ BOUGAINVILLEA. 'Invoke protection to bring this situation to a speedy end.'

More pink/magenta! The Angels and Fairies are acutely aware of this, and also Guide us to focus upon the centre of this flower.. the creamy WHITE Soul Coloured centre, which is the TRUE flower of this image. The outer, coloured part is the bract. How specific they are, showing us our aura colours with the Soul safely within! 
The first card actually drawn was a repeat as I am using the phone app and choosing my own layout. The card was a repeat of the Snapdragon and the message is really re-infocing the previous messages to move forward to the future. They are indicating that if any anger is presented or residual in the future, to shield your aura with Angelic Protection and to focus and re-focus upon the Soul. Your Soul. Their Soul.. the Soul Energy that connects us all and aligns us with the Divine All Love.

LET YOUR INNER BEAUTY SHINE ~ PINK ROSE. 'You are a brilliant example of God's love. Everything about you is perfect, so let your light shine and inspire others.'

We do see ourselves folded in this Divine encompassing Love. It is a treasurous Energy. We are presenting as we really are. Our confidence is connected to our connection with Spirit. Our eyes are radiating joy and endless support to one another. We are compassionate Beings and are aware of our Sensitive Sides. It is a confirmation that we are Shining Our Light. What a wonderful wonderful energy xox

SUNFLOWER ~ SMILE. 'Simply smile, and notice the profound and healing difference it makes.'

The Fairies and Angels say that this is about keeping the vibration HIGH. Smiles naturally remind us of our own happiness, when we see them on others. Let a smile rest effortlessly upon your lovely lips as you connect to your loving light. There are a few physical reactions to finding this Soul Connection: Smiling, hugging, laughing, grinning, saying nice things, thinking nice thoughts, feeling well cared for and supported. This month remember to reflect the Soul Light to yourself and to others and keep grinning xox
There is an extra meaning with this Flower Wisdom... as the sunflower naturally  follows the sun's light, you too are Guided to follow your happiness to where it takes you. No need to remain in the dark. Just go with the glow!

SIMPLIFY YOUR LIFE ~ DAISY. 'You've had so much going on that you're spread too thin. This has to change now so your vitality can recharge.'

Yes, I understand THIS one! The simple power of the Daisy is to be there for you in the present moment. It would be a lovely offering to yourself and all around you to plant some pretty daisies in your living area. The Daisy heeds our wishes at the present moment, to slow down and just keep things SIMPLE. As they say: Keep It Simple Sweetheart (K.I.S.S) {ANOTHER kissing reference this month!}
Try this Fairy Fun Visualisation when you need a little extra simplicity and imagine (or actually create) a daisy chain. Around your head for simplified thoughts. Around your whole body for a buffer of Fairy Powered Simplicity! 
The Fairies remind you of when you were a child and so IN THE MOMENT when you were colouring in or playing cars. A lovely helping flower to know xox

UPLIFT YOUR THOUGHTS ~ ORANGE LILY. 'Focus your attention on the many blessings that surround you. By doing so, you'll let go of depression, poor self-esteem, and excess weight.'

Archangel Gabrielle is back with us with this card. She worked with us last month and is continuing to do so this month. She shows that working with this powerful flower enables us to truly communicate from our heart centre. There is PURE EXPRESSION here. The many flecks on the petals represent the many and varied ways we may feel to express ourselves. The purity of creative expression is Divinely Healing. Your skin will clear, your body will find it's perfect body shape and our to-do list is a flowing, creative process of joy and complete gratitude. It really DOES get good!

NEW BEGINNINGS ~ BANKSIA. 'Take this an an opportunity to rise from the ashes stronger and more determined.'

For those outside of Australia, this may be a new flower for you. For those within Australia, you may recognise this truly powerful plant. Whenever I see one of these, I naturally stop and commune with it's power. An ancient flower with many varieties it symbolises a NEW BEGINNING. This month's New Moon in Virgo is a great time to start afresh in a clear and concise way. This month is prophesised as a very important month and does contain the Equinox, honouring balance and equality. 
The banksia will Guide you to your New Starts and give you the integrity to Go For It when it is presented. It reminds us that we may have 'started something' previously, and it didn't quite 'go to plan'.. this month, rest assured that things ARE in place and that you are in perfect and divine right timing!

EMOTIONAL HEALING ~ BLEEDING HEART. 'It's safe for you to let go of old emotional pain. By doing so, you allow your heart to mend.'

The cycles of life always, ALWAYS allow us to heal and heal again. It IS one of the many wonders of this physical plane. The body's recuperative and regenerative powers are mirrored all throughout the Natural Realm. Meditate with this flower for a while and FEEL the energy of pain simple dripping away. Call upon Archangel Raphael to Guide you with any physical healing at this time. The homeopathic Remedy, Arnica is well known for being a heart and circulatory system tonic. 
Speak from the heart, create from the heart. Enjoy your FEELINGS and step outdoors often to explore the Fairy Kingdom xox ((I'm being Guided to enjoy a Healing Heart Meditative Bush Walk for my b'Earth Day this year.. yes!))

OPEN YOUR THIRD EYE ~ ECHINACEA. 'It's safe for you to open your centre of clairvoyance. By doing so, you'll see the truth.'

The thirteenth and final card of the Reading. Few have dared even MENTION the Mayan Energy at all this year after last years end of the Mayan Calendar. This card anchors us to the Earth's natural rhythms and allows the Divine Feminine to rise up through her cycles to balance all.
This card reminds us that when we connect to our Soul Energy, our inner sight naturally opens up as a result. It is there all along!
The powerful Echinacea Wisdom shows us that what is above is also below. What is outside is also within. Our inner vision is a perfect compliment to High Vibratory Living. We are multi-sensory beings with Infinite Potential. We are POTENT in our love and our integrity to live with all possible advantages to enhance and share this love.

Wow, the Flowers are so positive and exude their power effortlessly!
Extra Guidance for this Reading/Healing would be to meditate with the stunning images. Plant some of these in your garden or enjoy them as flowers in your home. Dress in the colours of the flowers and correlating messages that resonate with you the most. Also choose home furnishings and art to reflect these colours. 
Ultimately the purpose of these Guidance Readings is to align YOU with your Angels and Helpful Beings like the Fairies, Elves, Spirit Guides. Whatever messages YOU receive is relevant to YOU, so really pay attention to the nuances that pop out for you.

I enjoyed drawing cards for you from this iPhone app on the Facebook page. I find this one of my most enjoyable times online :) So if you were one of those who received a mini card Reading, and YOUR card is here this month, take extra notice.


With so many lovely card decks to choose from the Angels Guided me to share the list and what they are best suited for (yes, I have them all)
HEALING WITH THE ANGELS: The first oracle deck to come on to the scene from Doreen Virtue. These cards are subtle, strong AND nurturing. Choose these to find the essence of Angels and to cultivate Angelic Guidance. These cards FEEL good. They are concise and calming and were a real break away from other decks available at the time.

MESSAGES FROM YOUR ANGELS: Famous for having the messages right there on the card. This deck shot to the top of the charts and was the highest seller (I think it still is). A lovely extension from the first deck. Use this deck whenever you feel drawn to it for it's messages are specific and uplifting.

HEALING WITH THE FAIRIES: Doreen's first Fairy Deck. This deck is found in many homes across the world. It truly resonated with so so many people. People often open up to me that they have this deck if no other. The beauty of this deck is the connection the Fairies have with the Earthly Realm. They are such kind and powerful Beings and I personally, relish working with them any chance I get. Choose this deck when you feel the Fairies calling you.

MAGICAL MERMAIDS AND DOLPHINS: Another original deck. This one I bought for my daughter when she was 8. Doreen is a self-confessed Incarnated MerAngel and thoroughly connects with the ocean and all who dwell there. Choose this card to align with healing your emotions and diving deeper. Stunning images and a true sense of the expanse of the ocean with this oracle deck.

ARCHANGEL ORACLE CARDS:  A tribute to the collective energy of the Archangels. This is a slightly differently sized deck with 45 cards instead of the usual 44. Each of the 5 Archangels featured have 5 cards to share their messages with. This is a favourite deck and a learning curve in knowing the themes and spheres of the Archangel Realm. Choose this deck when you have recurring patterns in your life you would like assistance with.

MAGICAL UNICORNS ORACLE CARDS: Ahh.. the unicorns! Definitely one of MY favourite all time decks. Colourful, kind and full of positive encouragement. This deck was designed with children in mind. Features STUNNING images and a real sense of fun and understanding too. Choose this deck when you are looking to connect to the mystical/practical side of life. This deck injects wonder and joy instantly.

GODDESS GUIDANCE ORACLE CARDS: Choose this deck to get to know feminine deities throughout history and how they are helping us in our modern lives. Practicality meets spiritual knowledge in this deck. A lively exploration of strong women in history. They are a straight-to-the-point Oracle that tells it like it is.

SAINTS & ANGELS ORACLE CARDS: I love this one because it honours our own personal journey with the Angels. With messages from our Guardian Angels and Saints known and new. This is a great work deck to really hone your intuition and personal journey. Very pretty and serene.

ASCENDED MASTERS ORACLE CARDS: Oh I love this deck and come back to it time and time again. When I first learned meditation with a Pythagorean style teacher, he introduced the group to the Ascended Masters. The seed was planted, watered lovingly and has grown into a phenomenal appreciation for these Beings who once walked the Earth. They are fun! They are vibrant! They ARE larger than life. Call upon this deck when you need a super humane explanation for what's going on in your life. These Guides can show the way.

DAILY GUIDANCE FROM YOUR ANGELS ORACLE CARDS: Oooh, I got these when I did the Angel Intuitive Course in 2007. Another really bright and colourful deck. This deck takes it further into the every day life. A very colourful way to bring Angelic Guidance into your domestic life. The messages are right there on the card and they are a real delight to use. If you have never used Oracle Cards, these ones have it all.

MAGICAL MESSAGES FROM THE FAIRIES: Yay, the Fairies return! Colourful to the max, just the way the Fairies like it. This deck is for Fairy fans and anyone who wishes to connect deeply with these custodians of the Earth. A loving and fun deck with some empowering images and just a true delight xox

ANGEL THERAPY ORACLE CARDS: Aahh  this deck was my 'go-to' deck for many readings. It is concise and practical and shows how Angel Therapy can be used in everyday situations. Whether the situation is conscious or unknown, this deck gets to the core of the matter and educates and heals, fast. Choose this deck when you need indepth, honesty and practicality on a wholistic level. Ten out of ten.

ARCHANGEL MICHAEL ORACLE CARDS: Choose this deck to clear away psychic debris, unwanted situations and find true personal knowledge and wisdom. This is a work deck that hones in on YOUR personal connections. With prayers on each card, this is a really thorough Oracle Deck that aligns with the ever powerful, Archangel Michael.

ARCHANGEL RAPHAEL HEALING ORACLE CARDS: I can't say enough praise for this deck and this Archangel! Such a diverse range of skills and arenas of scope. Choose this deck for physical healing Guidance. Choose this deck when you are travelling, as Archangel Raphael is also the patron Archangel for travellers. Choose this deck for really wholistic RELATIONSHIP advice (might draw one now!) A deck that is a welcome edition in any first aid kit xox

LIFE PURPOSE ORACLE CARDS: They just keep getting better and better. Choose this deck when you are at a crossroads in your life. They are vibrant, strong yet subtle, often triggering memories or ideas you have tucked away. This deck is PERFECT for the student. A really empowering and amazing divination tool at once. Their is a sense of DESTINY with these cards and they really can change lives for the better in miraculous ways. A very popular choice from all around the world for all ages. Love it. 

MARY, QUEEN OF ANGELS ORACLE CARDS: Could this deck have it all? I adore this deck. When shuffling, the cards that wish to be read pop up vertically as if Guided by Mary herself (well, ofcourse!) This is a really compassionate yet no-nonsense deck. It is quite deep and personal in the way a real mother knows her child. Choose this deck for some real Wholistic Honesty.

ANGEL TAROT CARDS With Radleigh Valentine: A full 78 card Tarot Deck with Angels, Fairies, Dragons and Unicorns as well as Archangels for the Major Arcana! What a pretty deck. As a tarot reader originally I was personally very interested when this deck came out. I do read it a little differently than the guidebook and the information on the deck, however. Tarot taught me to read the cards for the individual anyway. So, do choose this deck when you are looking for details and tarot themed Guidance. I basically read this deck with the picture, the auric messages, the number and the suit or element. This gives a consistent and thorough reading every time. (new one out soon)

ANGEL DREAMS ORACLE CARDS With Melissa Virtue (Doreen's son, Grant's wife)
We have found these cards to be eerily repetitive. We could shuffle the deck repeatedly and the same card would present time after time. Choose this deck to assist working with your actual sleeping dreams and also to find out what is presenting in your waking dreamtime. People become in awe of this deck!

INDIGO ANGEL ORACLE CARDS: The New Kids on the block. This deck speaks to issues of contemporary society what ever the age. It assists each of us to find our inner power and then ACT lovingly with this empowerment in a useful and integral way. Whether you wish to change the world, or change your own habits.. this deck is a winner every time.

Thankyou for connecting here again this month.
I send Angel Blessings for the planet every day, for every person, plant, animal and all of the Natural Realms. I pray that we all eat loving, healthy, clean food regularly. I pray that we are bringing about Heaven on Earth with every chance we possibly get. I pray that we are listening to our Soul for all Guidance, Goodness and Grace. 
I pray every day for love.

I really love sharing in this way with you and I adore hearing about your own personal experiences and connections.

Loving Light in all ways
Rainbow Butterfly Tara

Information about Angel Guidance Readings and Homeopathic Consultations is found on the website: www.chaibliss.com

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