You know what? For the last months, every time I go to write out the Newsletter and Free Angel Guidance Reading I wonder if it will be the last one. It's true. I love the process of writing. I love the process of sharing. I love the process of connecting with the Angels and I love Love LOVE Angel Oracle Readings... it's just the funny thing I have with the feelings I get around the pressure of time. Is it my Aquarius Ascendant that needs to do things differently? I've been weening off Christmas and even Birthdays and opting for a more 'eternal' view of Living In the Moment.
Now that we are in the second month of the year, my initial resistance to ‘over planning’ the year ahead is making a lot of sense,,, thankyou Angels! Instead of organising each and every theme and micro minute of my life I have taken to Handing My Life Over to the Divine. Each morning I say ‘Dear God and the Goddess, and all Angels of Love, in Love and for love, I offer you ‘me’ to be a vehicle of loving truth and kindness. Please place me where you need me to be, have me speak with who you choose and allow the Grace of Love to flow freely through me and all around me, to me.’ Gosh it’s good… your turn!
This has honoured more the 'process' of life and all the myriad of thoughts that go with it. I feel wonderful knowing that in each and every moment, I have given permission and am working consciously with the Highest Divine Right Order. I feel like this is a gift indeed.
For those of you familiar with the Course In Miracles, you may find similarities with the credo ::
Where would you have me go?
What would you have me do?
What would you have me say?
.. and to whom?
Many of our wisest soul connected friends and colleagues are 'on to this' way of living. There are those busily 'manifesting' using the Law of Attraction and having wonderful results... and then there are those of us who simply surrender it ALL and know with every fibre of our Being that once this is consciously done, that all, simply ALL is Divinely Taken Care Of... *highly recommended.
I have found the most prominent results have been ::
~ increased awareness
~ calmness
~ peacefulness
~ manifestations and alignments
~ greater sensitivity to the moment
~ heightened memory (what I require in the moment is simply 'there')
There is a flow and natural order that I am thriving in. The push and plan strain has simply fallen away and when those busy thoughts do pop up I know that my emotional environment is looking for some stillness and I'm able to honour this. I am treating myself with the utmost care and respect and following my Guidance. In the comments section below, you are very welcome to share your experiences xox
In this Edition ::
ANGEL DETOX :: the book by Robert Reeves & Doreen Virtue
HOMEOPATHICS :: an elite club
ANGEL GUIDANCE READING :: Celebrating the Year of the Horse
This is a lovely book. I am going through it all even though I am not detoxing from all of the many things listed. The information is nice to read through from a Naturopath Student's point of view. Utilising the Angel's clearing and Guidance is a wonderful symbiotic relationship. I have found that I get quite sleepy while reading it, and am aware that I am going through the cleanses as well, energetically.
Here are some notes I took at the beginning ::
~ our bodies contain around 70% water which is around the same as the planet.
~ our brain contains slightly more water, at 75%.
Staying constantly well hydrated assists in thinking positive thoughts.
Angels utilise the oxygen molecules in water to transmit their messages to us.
Showering, bathing, swimming and drinking fresh, pure water benefits our Divine Connection.
This book contains gems of nutritional information. The B vitamins section is especially informative. Other parts are what Doreen speaks of regularly and yet when put together with all the physical detox info, it really is a confirmation of all she has been teaching over the many years. I have been sending the clearing energy towards those that are in my life that I know will benefit from the Angelic Clearing of substances... and also working with clearing my emotional and energetic clearing of those who choose these substances. It's not necessarily a book just for those struggling with addictions, although it is wonderfully insightful for cigarettes and alcohol. It is a truly wholistic and thorough example of how one may have got to the situation, how to recognise the signs and how to move through your life changes effortlessly and with supreme grace... something we can all benefit from!
Ahhh,, one of my favourite topics IN THE WORLD! When I first began my Naturopathic Studies in the early 90's I learned so much so quickly. Homeopathy was such a new concept to me that I actually dropped the class so that I could focus on it properly once all the anatomy and physiology and chemistry and iridology and nutrition and herbal medicine (you get the picture) was assimilated and I had time to focus on this wonderful subject with the intention it deserved from me. It soon became my 'go to' as I became a parent and then my family started ordering remedies for their acute and chronic ailments. Then the friends noted how healthy everyone around me was and well, things snow balled from there.
I knew early on that I was not comfortable behind a desk in a clinic environment. I found that my calling was more towards those who would not actually choose to go 'see someone' about their condition. I became a 'social homeopath'. Having said this, I also kept quite to myself about my practice and only offered information when it was asked of me. So in a way I became a little solitary with my healing. When I read this list of who else in the world uses homeopathics, my heart soared as I found in essence a cool group of individuals who trust this wonderful scientific healing modality.
I welcome you to this amazing and eclectic club ::
~ famous homeopathic patients : Charles Darwin // the Royal Family // Abraham Lincoln // Mother Theresa // Tony Blair // Paul McCartney // Tina Turner // Annie Lennox // Axl Rose // Moby // George Harrison // Pete Townshend // Cher // Beethoven // Chopin // George Bernard Shaw // Ralph Waldo Emerson // Mark Twain // Sir Arthur Conan Doyle // David Beckham // Catherine Zeta-Jones // Blythe Danner // Diane von Furstenberg // Olivia Newton-John // JD Salinger // Priscilla and Lisa Marie Presley // Boris Becker // Angelica Houston // Martin Sheen // Red Hot Chilli Peppers // Whoopi Goldberg // Pamela Anderson // Mahatma Ghandi // Jackson Pollock
So, apparently this is one of the most major shifts in the 60 year cycle of Chinese Astrology. From a Water Snake to a Wood Horse.
The Unicorns are here with us to Guide us through this month and beyond with their fun and loving ways. Have you been noticing them in your dreams or seeing horses or symbols of horses in your everyday?
Here is the link to go to this month's Angel Reading :: click here >> ::ANGEL GUIDANCE READING FEB '14::
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