Monday 31 December 2012


Here is your January 2013 Angel Guidance Reading ...
I toyed with mixing up the format, trying new layouts, but the Guidance was clear. We are working well with the Celtic Cross Layout and are familiar with it. It contains all the elements we are connected with and it flows effortlessly.

The Guidance was strong too, regarding the Oracle Deck ... Daily Guidance is a colourful deck with a myriad of themes. Reminding us to connect with our Angels about all matters, and often. 


SITUATION: GIVING & RECEIVING 'The entire universe operates in cycles similar to your inhalations and exhalations. When you only exhale (give) or only inhale (receive), you become out of rhythm with the universe. For optimal health, energy and replenishment, balance each inhalation in your life with an exhalation.'
Wow, did your breath deepen as you read that? Mine did. Our breath IS so vital to our connection to all that is. Louise L Hay refers to breath in her fantastic book, HEAL YOUR BODY with this affirmation: IT IS MY BIRTHRIGHT TO LIVE LIFE FULLY AND FREELY. I AM WORTH LOVING . I NOW CHOOSE TO LIVE LIFE FULLY... And isn't this NEW energy all about LIVING OUR BEST LIFE !! The month ahead is about living from our deepest core essence. About connecting in the most primal way. About sharing this truest part of you with love and about rejoicing in the gifts and rewards this returns.
I'm IN !!

QUESTION: CLEANSE & DETOXIFY 'With great love and respect, we ask you to detoxify your precious and sensitive body. At your request, we'll help you to develop life-affirming ways to deal with stress, as well as ease any sorrow at shedding your old ways. Give your cares, worries, and concerns to us, and feel the beautiful grace of your newly purified body.'
The Angels acknowledge our dedication to purity and they show that the way forward is with LIGHT HEALING. Our light body's are shining through. To detoxify our physical and emotional residues, shine Shine SHINE your light. Visualise this daily and see your life TRANSFORM. The Angels joke, and say that although this is in the Question section, there IS no question to the benefits of a pure lifestyle. We are happy, healthy and HERE! Come on, step in to the Light xox

DESTINY: CHANGE IN DIRECTION 'The changes you're experiencing are Divinely directed by your newborn willingness to open your heart to love and our guidance. You are protected now and in the future, so follow your path to the happy outcomes you desire.'
Yes, there are a lot of new babies arriving in 2013. This is going to be a year of expansion! Not all of us have orders in with the 'stork' so this is a two-fold message regarding new beginnings and arrivals of a wholistic nature. Are you drawn to travel, study, expand your entrepreneur skills ? This card is in our Destiny, so new change is arriving... ready or not :) Knowing that we are Guided, looked after and protected is so fulfilling! This card is reassuring. All of us will experience our unique journey, but this is a group consciousness expansion. Numerology shows that this year is a 6 which is HIGHLY CREATIVE, linked to the home and heart/hearth. If you are feeling the expansion and are not yet sure (hands up!!) look to these themes and follow your true bliss xox

PAST 18 MONTHS: TRUSTWORTHY GUIDANCE 'You've received a wonderful idea as an answer to your prayers. This idea is real and trustworthy. You can safely move forward with it, knowing that we are with you every step of the way. Ask for and be open to receiving our support for anything that you need related to this idea.'
We have definitely been forewarned of the changes that were to occur up to and around December 2012. As we do move forward, many of us are connecting to that End of the World release and realising that we are truly enjoying Heaven on Earth now. Let this filter through every facet of your life. It will quickly elevate the vibration of EVERY situation! Your Guidance may not have quite 'fit' until now. So go easy on yourself and understand that Divine Timing IS different to human timing. When we align with this timing though.. wohoo! it's BLISS. Allow your ideas to flow gently into your next steps. Grace and Ease all the way xox

PRESENT: CHILD 'You care deeply about children, and they readily respond to your love. All children including your own inner child, require love, affection, and attention. We can clear and open your heart and schedule so that you can give more time and energy to the children who need you.'
This card has many layers.
~ Be honest to the children in your life. Especially the ones you have just met; you know you will only have a short time with (ie, kids in the street, visitors etc)
~ You are one who IS putting their hand up for a child conception right now. Be aware.
~ Your INNER CHILD is at the forefront of your personality. Your connection to SOUL ENERGY allows peace in this relationship. Enjoy activities you did as a kid. Explore your future with the eyes of your inner child. The answers will be deep, profound and spot on!

FUTURE 18 MONTHS: CUPID 'We send great waves of love into your heart and mind, awakening your love for life itself. Your clear decision to accept and enjoy romance has triggered this reawakening. Allow yourself to spontaneously celebrate love in all of its glorious aspects.' 
The Angels often mention that the way to bring in World Peace is through our relationship with our Partner by Divine Right. Some of us are single and others are enjoying phases of long term relationships. The Angels reassure us that they are keeping our relationships fresh, nurturing and supportive, in all ways. Our hearts are at true peace when we are in the midst of a loving relationship. The next 18 months promise to bring this to us .. and to keep us together happily and wholistically. The year of 2012 was a 5 numerologically, bringing in CHANGES, HEALING ... oh, and did I mention CHANGES !?! 2013 will see the home as the centre.

HOW WE SEE OURSELVES: GO FOR IT! 'Your prayers and positive expectations have been heard and answered. We've been working with you on this situation since it's genesis, and we continue to watch over you and everyone involved. Stay on your present path, as it will take you very far indeed.'
The Angels say that this involves our dream life (as shown by the image of the Unicorn) The releasement has occurred and we are now consciously moving foreword with awareness. This co~creativity aligns us all with pure Divine Love. We are AWARE of our purpose and we are trusting our Guidance. Love this xox

THE ENVIRONMENT PRESENTED: GROUND YOURSELF 'When you detach from awareness of your body and the physical world, you become ungrounded. Although it's pleasant to float heavenward, your attention and work are needed upon the earth. We're helping you balance the spiritual and material so that you can enjoy a fulfilling Earthly life.'
I have personally been enjoying 'finding God in my backyard' recently. This message feels like a 'garden connection'. Our Earthly practices of gardening can be extra rewarding when we work with the Elementals, the Fairies and the Devic Realm. Visualise the CONNECTION between the realms and you enhance your light. Eat foods that grow under the ground. Organic potatoes, parsnips and carrots are brilliant 'grounding foods'. Grated fresh beetroot is amazing in salads and great for the liver. Roasted beetroot is delicious and in a juice, beetroot is transformative. Ginger is always grounding AND increases circulation... one of the main ingredients of ChaiBLISS xox

HOPES & DREAMS: LAW OF ATTRACTION 'Each thought is an investment that pays immediate dividends, so invest wisely. You have the power to choose your thoughts and align them with love, peace, and harmony. At your request, we will gladly attune your energies to higher frequencies.'
Love this confirmation that we are all hoping for higher energy. Always striving for better, Better, BEST. This is a gentle reminder of the power of thought and affirmations. Every thought and situation has a positive and negative slide to it. At one end, poverty.. at the other, prosperity for example. This is fine tuning at it's best. We are able to accurately PRESCRIBE POSITIVITY to EVERY area of our lives.. even the lives of others, by our positive intentions. Try one now... think of something in your own life that could do with some improvement, then find a positive statement in present tense to attune to it. 'MY PERSONAL ENERGY REGARDING ALL PARTS OF MY LIFE ARE ATTUNED TO LOVE.' Then think of someone else you can work this magic with, just with your positive vibrations. 'MY FAMILY IS ALWAYS IN JOY AND PRIME HEALTH.' Try it xox

OUTCOME: THERE'S NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT 'You are safe, and this situation is under the perfect control of Divine providence and universal order. Only infuse loving thoughts and emotions into the situation to ensure that the highest possible outcome flows effortlessly to and through you.'
We may KNOW this but it is lovely to have comforting reassurance and reminders! The Angels often send us white feathers as proof of their involvement and presence. It is heartening to know that in truth, only love is real. All the stress, worry and concern really is done and dusted. As we move further into the new blueprint of society's Earth involving community, humanity and environmental care, we are assured successful outcomes. Well done.. it's time for a well earned pat on the back xox

UNDERLYING ENERGY: NOTICE THE SIGNS 'Yes, the signs you've been receiving are heaven-sent. We drop feathers, coins and other signs upon your path to remind you that you're loved and never alone.'
Haha.. yes, signs! Billboards are good! .. and those quirky one-of-a-kind signs, sometimes hand made.. they are a classic! As with all journeys, signs WILL change! Expect this and be prepared to change course when Guided. It is part of the process of life, so stay flexible, enjoy the fun and keep light hearted. 
I usually add 2 fine tuning cards to the OUTCOME but this time I am going to leave it as it is. You are invited to enjoy a personal Angel Guidance Reading in this format or the others outlined on my webpage 

So many of you enjoyed the December Special and it was a real honour, as always to connect with you in this way! I love it!! Thankyou xox

Stay safe, be gentle and enjoy the new energies blanketing us with care.

Om Na Ma Shi Va Ya

Rainbow Butterfly Tara

Monday 3 December 2012


Greetings All,
This is the last Angel Guidance Reading for the year.
I have been Guided to reduce BlissHEALING Editions in the last 6 months and am still assessing the process that is the Free monthly Angel Reading... keep you posted!
This past month, we had more views than ever before! .. And more personal Readings booked than any other month.. it is such a joy to be Guided in this way. Thankyou so much xox

This month is a very famous one! I am very attracted to the LIFE PURPOSE ORACLE DECK recently and chose this for our monthly Guidance. It feels like there is so much NEW energy.. even 'everything old is new again'. Let us see how the Angels describe this coming month.. 

In Joy. 


Rainbow Butterfly Tara Saffigna

SITUATION: SCHOOL 'The answer that you're seeking involves going to school.'
There is clear and accurate Guidance occuring at all times, the Angels say... and you are a part of the message! Your voice brings the School of Life to the people. Not everyone chooses classes or teaching as their chosen profession, yet as the vibrations on the planets rise, the synchronicities also rise. Just like in the Celestine Prophecy, we are all voices of the Divine for one another.. this card shows that we are speaking our truth right now, and are being utilised by the Heavenly Realm to educate, inform and unite humanity.

QUESTION: JUSTICE 'Your career brings fairness and protection to others who need your help.'
As this is in the position of the Question, are we really querying our validity and our worth right now? Our positive thoughts keep our lives on track. Affirm that 'My life is an instrument of truth and peace at all times. I am at one with Divine Intelligence and Soul Energy. All is well in my world.' The law of attraction states that this then must occur! Balance is an ever occuring theme on this planet. We have night and day, male and female.. yes and no. Our hearts know the truth in all situations and our tuned intellect pairs this with a magnificent outcome!

DESTINY: NUTRITION 'You conduct healing work with your culinary skills.'
When we honour the power of Gratitude and Prayer with our food, we truly take it to another level. This healing energy aligns our cells, our timing and our mindset to allow miracles to flow freely in and around our lives. This high vibrating food can be shared ofcourse, to extend the experience. With Christmas coming up it is commonly a 'feast' day. Use loving light when preparing all your food and you and your guests will be tuned to the healing power of LOVE. 

PAST: OPTIONS 'Consider the career possibilities that are open to you.'
The past 18 months have reawakened some long forgotten dreams in many of us. Is your heart stirred with a new direction, a new calling? This card indicates that many of the choices over this time are still in play in our lives now. There are connections still available and resources from the past to draw upon now. All life moves in a direction gathering information as it goes.. evolving, expanding.. this is the nature of life and co~creativity. Enjoy your part in this process and look back and polish a few memories. They are there for good reason.

NOW: SUPPORT 'Your life purpose fully supports you.'
The image on this card shows a lovely balance of feminine pink colour and light baby blue. The Angel is supported by a staff on which there is a Caduceus, symbolising healing and spirituality combined. Awakening the full DNA spiral. The Angels say that around us now with so many alignments in the cosmos, as we move into the photon belt of awareness and enlightenment together, we are becoming the true Angels of the Earthly Realm. Our minds are clearing, we see each other with more love and respect every day. So too, our Angels see us and are able to help and support us more and more as more and more of us open up to their Divine Guidance.. as they are the messengers of Love. We are able to support one another kindly and with grace as we honour compassion and care. Our Divine Friends are able to support us from their Realm as we shift further and further into Love and Light. 
Just rest a while if needed, and know that we are being lovingly looked after in all ways. 

FUTURE: SPIRITUAL TEACHER 'You heal with your classes, sessions and seminars.'
With so much diversity, we are all prompted to gather our spiritual tool kits and share our unique recipe for life and love. This time in our future we are the true Wholistic Pioneers. No one has ever lived through this time. We shall guide one another with all our loving information, respect and courtesy. This is a very fine line and when we stay on it we are able to become part of a society that moves forward into a totally new reality.. one of Peace on Earth Realised. With hearts and minds we unite and gather our knowledge to share with one another.

HOW WE SEE OURSELVES: STRENGTH 'Everything you've experienced in your life has made you strong and courageous.'
When we have the mindset of enjoying life, it transforms every day living into a wonderous playground. The hardest of lives can be uplifted with purpose. This card is honouring that we are aware of our adversity and are also acutely aware of our Preference for Peace. We are elevated with this awareness... as attitude gets us across the line every time! Signs are showing up constantly to support our Spirit and our personal growth. Smiling at each and every one lifts our energy vibration and creates a new, open hearted society. Well done!

ENVIRONMENT: CAREER CHANGE 'You're embarking upon a career that brings you the joy and abundance you desire and deserve.
By now we would have all heard the question 'What would you do if you could do anything? What would you do for free?' Here is the shift. We are moving our attitudes again to align with this Heart Based Society. The word career is an old one, used to describe the tracks in the mud of a horse and cart. So as we can see, a shift in attitude regarding career can be seen as a very healthy shift. No more are we confined to the making of marks in mud. As the lotus journeys up through this mud of consciousness, the light is there to shine upon us all. The light is who we are now. Light is a Divine Prescription for all things that are not yet like love. We are transcending this reality quickly so this movement involves us all now. Let our passions guide our way. Our hearts KNOW deep down what it is we would love to 'do' with our lives. This month we are being shown that we can truly BE that shift.. that light is within us and is illuminating the way, each thought at a time.

HOPES AND DREAMS: HEART'S DESIRES 'The Angels are supporting, guiding and protecting you as your dreams become a reality.'
The Angels say that this card is confirmation that we are truly moving into a heart based reality. The card shows the Angel walking along the ocean's shore. We are skirting the reality that we are fully aligned with and are able to see our path ahead. The feeling is natural and a true expression of who we really are as Soul filled individuals. This is the majesty of a diverse existence. Our cultures, our choices .. our hearts! This is a healing awareness and we are moving forward one step at a time xox

OUTCOME: HEALER 'You have the spiritual gift of healing, and a desire to share it with others.'
This outcome resonates with the adage, 'Healer, heal thyself'. As we accept our Divinity, our healing becomes second nature. Our ability to access our healing abilities for others flows effortlessly. The Angels are also making us aware that this healing can occur in the dreamstate. Many of us choose other modalities in our waking life, yet in our dreamstate are profound healers, gathering students along the way. This is a multidimensional awareness and the infinite wisdom of the Universe is assuring that we are sorted into our perfect place, profession and partnerships.

.. as with other Celtic Cross Readings, I am Guided to draw 2 Fine Tuning cards to go with the OUTCOME card ..

FREEDOM: 'You're free to do whatever you choose.'
The Angels are very clear in saying that Guidance Guides. It is not the end destination. When we follow our Guidance we can be assured that it will lead us in the right direction. The outcomes will shift and change accordingly. Through personal experience, we have free will and Guidance only enhances this process. When we ask a question, the best possible answer will be offered in it's most understandable modality. This may lead us in one direction, and then we see through the Guidance towards the path it was leading us to. Connections occur in this way. Our freedom is important and part of our feeling of Peace on this planet at this time. Go with what feels right.

FLOWERS: 'Working with flowers opens your heart and brings blessings to others through your life purpose.'
Let's read Doreen's latest book about Flower Therapy and have a discussion thread about our experiences! Flowers have long held wholistic meanings throughout history.. yellow roses mean something completely different to red ones. Dahlias hold a differing vibration to Dandelions. Bach Flowers began a whole new wholistic approach to vibrational emotional balancing. These days there are essences from all around the world. Flowers create FEELINGS. Feelings create, full stop! We are emotive beings, and flowers are friends for life xox

UNDERLYING ENERGY: CREATIVE EXPRESSION 'Your soul longs to express itself creatively.'
This card really sums up the theme of this month's reading. It is about our Soul Expression in a unique and wholistic way.. in whatever form that is for us as individuals. We will naturally flock together with those of like mind and will find our teachers as well. 

I am really optimistic about our futures and I send peace from my heart to yours with Divine Grace.

Our lives are truly miraculous and potent with potential. We are the ones we were waiting for.. and now we are all here.. lots of us! More than ever before. Together we shall impart our flair and flavour into this new reality. Shining our heart's and our intentions with purpose and care.

This light is healing, intense and immaculate. Tears of joy to you and your loved ones. We are well placed and about to create the next chapter, TOGETHER. Empowerment is within us all now. We have support from all levels, and such wonderful ideas. The creative genius we are collectively is IMMENSE. All those lives of garnering passions and talents and skills. Lets celebrate with Rainbows!

One love


Monday 29 October 2012


This month as I prepare the monthly Angel Guidance Reading, the Moon is Full in Taurus, an Earthy beautiful sign of patience and nurturing. Archangel Raphael asked to be this month's focus, as we align our physical bodies with our Spiritual Path and Soul Light.

Archangel Raphael is also aligned with Romance, and in particular, our Partner by Divine Right relationship. He explains that this relationship is designed to bring about complete health and healing on all levels. He is also showing that the presence of the garden is prominent for healing at this time. The Earth is a massive garden and we are the inhabitants. If we see a weed, or feel the urge to plant a seed, he recommends we follow this Guidance.. for peace within is reflected in a peaceful world.

We are back with the Celtic Cross layout this month.. simple and easy to understand.

Thanks so much for joining here.. it is a pleasure to prepare this for the group  once a month!

Tibetan Singing Bowl hand delivered from my brother's recent return from Nepal

SITUATION: GIVE US YOUR CARES 'Dear God and Archangel Raphael, I am willing to release any fears to you. Please allow me to completely let go so that you can fully guide me in this situation."
Archangel Raphael claps his hands together in the 'Namaste' position, overjoyed at the group response to allow Divine Assistance in to our lives. He shows that, like this image, walking outdoors allows a special open awareness to this possibility. When we walk, align to the healing energies of Archangel Raphael and he will lift the body into a higher dimension, leaving the darker, unneeded energies to fall away and transmute into new opportunities. As lightworkers we may support and facilitate this process with others when we sense some healing is required. Just going for a walk with someone is such a simple and sublime thing to do. You will know how this fits in to your personal situation.

QUESTION: FORGIVENESS HEALS 'Dear God and Archangel Raphael, I am willing to forgive myself and others in exchange for what I really want: peace and health.'
This card represents one of conscience, the Angels say.. Why should we question our every action? When we align with the powers of the Divine, all our actions do to. This second guessing can create drama and it is time now, the Angels Guide us, to let go of this questioning. Self confidence is a natural response to Spirit's wonders. Forgiving our Self can be a powerful experience, rich with subtlety. Let the questions fall away this month and allow the Divine Grace to kiss your face with answers and actions to match! A lovely softness joins with this card and placement. Doubt is replaced completely with Divine Knowing. Welcome!

DESTINY: STAY POSITIVE 'Dear Archangel Raphael, thank you for helping me be optimistic and take the appropriate action steps that support my health.'
A lovely confirmation of the previous card. Our attitude is destined to become more and more positive as we are living from the light, as the light. This will bring about a natural response of healing and continued positivity. What a wonderful 'side effect'! Trusting in this natural flow will just become second nature as it is so rewarding and life affirming. All of this planet is designed to give and support life. We are re-aligning with the Golden Age and our way of living reflects this. Keeping a positive attitude enables more beauty and wellbeing to flood our daily existence. Breathe that in, and share it round!

PAST 18 MONTHS: ACCEPTANCE 'Dear God and Archangel Raphael, please help me accept that everything is going in the right direction.'
As this placement is for the past, we have already accepted our Divine Grace! One of Louise Hay's themes in her affirmation work is trust, trust that 'all is in perfect and Divine Right order.' This pathway instills trust within us. It awakens our Spark, our Divinity.. and radiates out with such undeniable evidence that acceptance becomes our way of life. This card is a recognition of our past pathways, and a celebration of our present moment. The image utilised in this card is also seen in another of the Oracle Card decks, as a Romance card. So, the double meaning is that this Relationship.. this Partner By Divine Right IS someone we have connected with in the past 18 months. For those in long term relationships, have you noticed the shifts and resulting CLARITY within this time frame? On every angle, in every form, ALL relationships are stemming from a truthfulness that is aligned with the Divine. This is our way forward, and it is a welcome way indeed xox.

NOW: LAUGHTER IS THE BEST MEDICINE 'Dear Archangel Raphael, thankyou for reminding me to detach and find the humour and irony within every human drama.'
During my personal meditation this morning, I had a subtle query, 'what would you like me to know next?' .. not a burning need, just a thought that gently arose.. and LAUGHTER was the response! The term 'light hearted' brings to mind the element of laughter. As we laugh, we literally enlighten our Being as our Spirit is expressed. The pure Soul expresses itself through many virtues and humour is one of them. These virtues are kind, courteous and respectful. This honest laughter is a wonderful tonic recommended for repeated and daily use! Laugh with others, laugh out loud, instill the possibility for those in your life to laugh laugh laugh. Bring it on!

FUTURE 18 MONTHS: PRAYER WORKS 'Dear God and Archangel Raphael, thankyou for hearing and answering my prayer of {add the details of your prayer}'
The Angels make the connection that many may actually transition their chosen profession to this field. Actively utilising the power of prayer is available to all at all times. It is not a religious affiliation. It is simply a way of life that produces positive results. Available free of charge, any day or night. This way of life is an honouring of the Divine's presence in all things. It is an elevation of awareness. Results are fun, fantastic and normal! Continue this path and enjoy your very existence in this lovely reality. Move forward with Grace and Gift the thought of positive prayer power to all.

HOW WE SEE OURSELVES: STRETCH 'Dear Archangel Raphael, thankyou for staying by my side and motivating me to take excellent care of myself in all ways.'
This theme is the reason Archangel Raphael requested to help with this month's Reading. As we move into higher and higher vibrations with our physical bodies, we naturally feel to stretch and move and get this energy dispersed. This theme is continuing and we see ourselves happily swaying in time to our favourite symphony, tapping our toes while we wait for the train, dancing while we do the dishes.. moving our bods! Whatever way suits you is what is right for you. No need to over do it. This is not a competition, this is a Being-ness... and whatever enhances your Being is going to be presented rationally and enjoyably. This IS fun! Yoga mats unite!

ENVIRONMENT: INNER AUTHORITY 'Dear Archangel Raphael, thankyou for supporting me as I take back my power and listen to my intuition, desires and feelings.'
Archangel Raphael shows that he is already presenting this to us all. This has been part of our Divine Growth for many years, in varying degrees and forms. He shows that this month we are 'in it'.. this is the energy we are living in. So own it, stand up, relax and shine! Our hearts are sensitive and powerful energy emitters. By connecting with the Angels we are automatically clearing and assisting others. This is moving outward and upward in a steady ripple effect... and the rewards are now flowing back to us returned. Our good wishes, and our love are being reflected back through other's actions, words and sentiments. The channels are open and the fun continues! 

HOPES AND DREAMS: EASY DOES IT 'Dear Archangel Raphael, please help me detach, retreat and let go so that healing can occur.'
Yes, rest! This is a natural and necessary element in every day life. Call upon the Angels to help you clear your schedule when this arises for you. They are there to help. They are there to help your children, your work colleagues, your family, your neighbours. This planet is designed as a perfect playground. We are cyclic and rest is paramount in this reset and growth stage. Give yourself permission to listen to your own body rhythms.. siesta when you feel. Access some guided meditations as often as you can to really enhance your rest time. Detach from drama and really embrace your connection to the light within you. Set your space in a way that is comforting and nurturing.. relax, light soft candles, natural incense and prepare gentle foods. This is your life, now. Enjoy!

THE OUTCOME: FRESH AIR 'Dear Archangel Raphael, thankyou for helping me breathe easier in all ways.'
We have come full circle in this Reading. From outdoor 'Angel Chats' to fresh air. A lovely confirmation that this is the theme of the Reading. Messages travel on oxygen in plants too. Essential oils are the vehicle for transportation through a plant's anatomy and they contain high amounts of oxygen. Our INSPIRATION is the same.. the Angels utilise molecules of oxygen to offer their insights. We are all living in and designing open planned homes and enjoying more natural fibres.. this is for a reason. The open air contains many micro minerals and delightful essences unique to where you are. Breathe deeply and know that this is too, a confirmation for your personal healing.

The 2 Fine Tuning cards this month are:

JESUS THE DIVINE HEALER: 'Dear Jesus, thankyou for your Divine healing power and presence.' 
I personally refer to this 'man' as Yeshua. Thoughts of him bring about feelings of patience, kindness and honouring the Divine Within. I feel that his gifts are available to all, and that his life is an inspiration, like all Ascended Masters, to be the best we can be. 


CAFFEINE FREE: 'Dear Archangel Raphael, I ask that you cut my cords of attachment to caffeine so that I may honour my body's natural energy rhythms without chemicals.'
Every time I utilise this deck, Archangel Raphael makes the most of the opportunity to remind us to go 'caffeine-free'. He knows I 'get it'! I am so passionate about this! From the first time I read Shakti Gawain's 'Living in the Light', I became aware of the effects of this tool. It is noticeably rampant in modern society. Even the raw foodies are hooked on raw cacao! As Yeshua once walked this Earthly plane, he understands this Realm, and is offering help and support with removing caffeine's grip on society. Our natural rhythms WILL align us with a peaceful reality very quickly. Homeostasis restores quickly and we are happily living a Natural Life. I am hopeful for this! So hopeful that I share my Caffeine-Free 100% Organic ChaiBLISS with the world! 

UNDERLYING ENERGY: ASK YOUR BODY FOR A MESSAGE 'Dear Body, please help me hear your messages, Archangel Raphael, please guide me in honouring and respecting my body's needs.'
As we have read, our body is our barometer of the soul. Our mind creates our physical bodies. In whatever form you find it.. read this book, Louise Hay's HEAL YOUR BODY. THE go to Bible for the body! Some days you may write out a full page of helpful affirmations. Then the book (or App) may go unneeded for months. I personally have Angel Cards and write these affirmations for others as 'Divine Prescriptions' of sorts. The energy of these is immense. By simply placing them under our pillow, the thought's vibrations align with the Healing Power and miracles result! Miracles occur as natural expressions of loving energy! So this occurrence is completely 'normal'. 



Enjoy your journey this month and allow the Angelic Realm to infiltrate your existence in all ways.. your life is truly magnificent and I am thankful xox


Tuesday 2 October 2012


Greetings all, it feels wonderful to share another Newsletter with you..

This week my Nanna (87) is visiting to share in a family ceremony. Yesterday she presented me with a newspaper clipping from her local Capital City. Nanna is one of my best Homeopathic patients AND enjoys ChaiBLISS every day. She is a bright spirit and very supportive. I am happy to share this article with you, and the feeling of support and nurturing she brought it with.

Written by nutritionist Sharon Brooks 


They say once you have been seduced by chai tea you never look back. This traditional tea from India, where it is known as 'masala chai', contains a mixture of aromatic herbs and spices. Whether you choose the traditional spice combination of cinnamon, ginger, cardamom, pepper and nutmeg or the modern version with vanilla, there are several health benefits. The components in chai deliver so much goodness..
Here's why you should be consuming it regularly. 

1 Reduces cancer risk

Common chai spices such as cardamom, cinnamon and ginger contain antioxidants and phytochemicals with cancer-prevention properties. In a nutshell, cancer cell proliferation occurs as a result of 'rebel' cells growing in shape and number, damaging DNA and other healthy cells. If consumed regularly, cardamom, cinnamon and ginger may prevent this rebellion occurring and therefore reduce the risk of certain cancers such as bowel and stomach.

2 Prevents Colds

Avoiding the dreaded lurgy if it is going around is often a struggle. The antioxidants and phytochemicals found in chai work in unison to support our immune system. Ginger, particularly, has gut-boosting properties which benefit our defences. Chai is also beneficial for warming the system when you do have a cold.

3 Relieves PMS

If it's that time of the month and a hot water bottle isn't helping, a brew of chai should do the trick. Chai spices such as cinnamon and ginger have been shown to balance hormones and alleviate pain associated with premenstrual syndrome (PMS).

4 Boosts metabolism

There is no need to suffer cold baths and drink hot water laced with lemon and chilli to boost your metabolism as certain diets recommend. Did you know that some spices can help boost the metabolism? Regular consumption of chai spices stimulates digestive and pancreatic enzymes. There is also improved oxygen uptake and fat breakdown. Chai also contributes to the feeling of fullness. All these factors combined rouse our metabolic switches.

5 Prevents diabetes

Chai spices, if consumed regularly, may assist in regulating blood-sugar levels. This is particularly important in the long term to help prevent type 2 diabetes. In the short term, it can help offset sugar cravings. If a person's overall diet is inadequate or contains excessive toxin such as caffeine, processed flours and sugars, chai may assist in offsetting some of the damage. About two cups of medium to strong chai per day is needed for this benefit. Please note, though, that this doesn't give you a free pass to consume unhealthy foods to excess.

6 Reducing bloating

Do you suffer from bloating or gassiness? All the spices contained in chai enhance the activities of stomach and intestinal digestive components. The spices also encourage movement through the gastro-intestinal system. This prevents water and air being drawn to the area and therefor prevents bloating and gas production. 

7 Boosts energy

Common stimulants contained in energy and soft drinks, coffee and lollies provide instant energy hits followed by rapid slumps. The Indian spices contained in traditional chai teas help facilitate energy production within the body. They are a natural and healthy stimulant. Many chai recipes currently available in stores contain black tea as the base ingredient, and therefore caffeine. However, the goodness from the spices leads to a more balanced energy release into the cells. This is beneficial as a morning kick-start and in preventing the afternoon or early evening energy slump.

Word of warning

Chai spices, while exceptionally powerful, cannot undo the damage caused by high intakes of unnecessary fats, sugars and highly processed, nutrient-poor foods. Enjoy chai as part of a well-balanced diet encompassing fresh fruit and vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, nuts and seeds. Drink water and partake in regular physical activity. Lastly, highly treated chai blends with processed sugars, colours, flavours and syrups do not deliver the goodness of the authentic spices.


Click on the title above for this month's FREE indepth Angel Guidance Reading.
The Angels say that this month is one of integration. For example if you are sitting quietly or working on a task and a string of memories flow through your thoughts, this is the Angels applying Angel Therapy to these situations. You may find yourself smiling alot more, they say! A welcome change for most of society! Integration includes many levels, so ensure that your physical body is well looked after and your emotions are feeling attended to aswell. 


This month I am adding some new Sew Sew Good Mobiles to my Made It shop. This is one of my favourites and some new colours and styles are just about ready for you too. 'Domestic Bliss' is only $A20 with free postage within Australia. Handmade with love and Angel Blessings in a smoke free, vegan environment. Bliss!

ChaiBLISS is now available in BULK for the first time through a local and online shop. I still offer wholesale to those buying 1kg or more, and this increases the availability of ChaiBLISS in the local area by visiting their organic store and is part of a range of affordable organic bulk products available from them online. Check out Suki & Brendan's Roar Food Bulk Store for some amazing organic bargains... 1114 Gold Coast Highway, PALM BEACH, QLD, Australia. YES!

I have had a fantastic month of markets, meeting new customers, offering new patients homeopathy.. sewing and convening with our ever present Angels. I wish you well and I hope to continue to support you on your path on ChaiBLISS HEALING.

Angel Blessings of Infinite Bliss to you and those you love,
Rainbow Butterfly Tara


This month one of the most valuable snippets of information that I read regarded the two short words, 'I am'. The Angels say that by utilising these two words and adding a positive statement to go along with it, we are continually building our atmosphere of peace and attainment.
These two words connect us to the creative part of Soul Energy.
Applicable to any and all of life's situations... try it for yourself for magnificent and miraculous results.
A perfect combination with the energy of gratitude xox.
This month strong Guidance around the themes of our Actions and our Beingness, and the relationship between the two.
.. so the Oracle card deck is Angel Therapy .. a lovely connective deck to help us align both our inner thoughts ~ God with our outer actions ~ Goddess.

A surprise return from the Angel Guidance Board too.. a welcome familiar format. Thank you Angels.

Lighting a candle now, and calling upon Archangel Michael to clear and protect all involved xox


SOLAR-PLEXUS CHAKRA ~ It is safe for you to be powerful and take charge of your life in positive ways.
A positive and empowering beginning to this month's reading. Our home is a place of retreat and creativity. All of our homes are unique to some degree, yet the similarities are noticed. We rest, we prepare, we take cover from the elements. For some, and hopefully all of us, home is where the heart is and the feeling of power evokes a peaceful scenario both within the physical home and the auric field of the body.. for this power is an expression of love!


CROWN CHAKRA ~ Pay attention to your ideas, as they are messages of true Divine Guidance sent in answer to your prayers.
As Neptune is still retrograde this message enhances the awareness of dream guidance. I have personally enjoyed many dream teachings recently.. how are your dreams? Before sleep, simply call in the Angels to guide you further with your queries or situations. They present safe and peaceful wisdoms all in the comfort of our own sleep time.


MANIFESTATION POWER ~ Use your spiritual gifts and natural abilities to attract your desired outcome.
A lovely pattern emerging.. first with the Chakra cards, now with the theme of Power. Our Spiritual Power strengthens when we focus upon the spark of Divine  Light within. We are all expressions of the Divine, living a physical life. Our manifesting power is enhanced when we connect to the Source/Soul energy as stated before, using the words, "I am".. 'I am manifesting peace and harmony with money, increasing each and every day.'


BE WILLING TO FORGIVE ~ Ask the Angels to clear your mind and body of past pain in exchange for peacefulness.
'I am honouring forgiveness now.' The Angels say that this could also mean that many are forgiving you regarding your career choices right now, as they too open up to their expansive choices. A career is a rut after all.. our Divine Life Purpose awareness opens us up to infinite possibilities and soul-utions.. this brings with it empathy and understanding of others.


CLEAR YOURSELF ~ Ask the Angels to release any toxic energies that you may have absorbed.
More practical Guidance with this card. So many of us forget to clear our auras. It is normal to wash our clothes, our teeth, our dishes. So too, practice the normality of clearing your aura. With just a simple thought to the Divine, it is done. Often times as others are clearing, the energies may not be sure where to go and psychic attack is still occuring, making others feel silly, irritated, irrational and grumpy.. often swearing and making rash decisions. You are also able to clear others.


HEAL AWAY ADDICTIONS ~ It's time to let go of behaviours that are blocking you from your heart's desire. Ask Archangel Raphael to help you with this healing.
Last month many of us released so many thoughts and patterns during Angel Detox month with the Guidance of Doreen Virtue. This month, fresh and clean, the Angels smile and say that it is our turn to help and assist others with their path of detoxing. We all know someone in our lives who is not quite on the path yet.. one foot in, one foot off. Our prayers our powerful, as is our gratitude. Affirming the Highest Good for all is a wonderful spiritual path.. guaranteed to have a side effect of feeling clearer and more purposeful yourself.


GODDESS ~ Express your Divine feminine energy, embracing its magical intuition and nurturing qualities. 
Yes, our intuition is paramount in navigating our pristine health at this time the Angels say. Our physical body is the only one we get this lifetime and it is vital to keep it in optimum health. With the assistance of the Angels, we feel alive, fresh and healthy, allowing pure clean thoughts to filtrate through our minds so that we may be integrated and living a purpose filled life of love.


RELEASE ~ Work with Archangel Michael to let go of what no longer serves you or your purpose.
The Angels say that this links back to the previous card regarding detoxing and helping others around you with this. We have become stronger so that we may help others. Our knowledge and experience are valuable social and spiritual tools right now. This is to be a peaceful time, as we are all in similar situations. Support is the key word here.


PARENTS ~ The Divine truth is that your parents eternally love you to the best of their ability. The Angels are helping you heal from any pain associated with your mother or father.
Wow, spot on synchronicity. Another recurring theme with release and healing. This card shows that we are helping our parents past and present and becoming better parents ourselves.. also many new parents beginning their journey! A lovely card in a lovely placement. 


IF YOU GET NERVOUS, FOCUS ON SERVICE ~ Put your entire intention on answering the question "How can I make the world a better place?" and the Law of Attraction will automatically take care of your needs.
Love this!! And have enjoyed this practice many many times. As we have a cyclical world, it is natural to have times to receive, and then times to give. To give your life purpose, offer service and the universe aligns!

If there is a situation recurring for you and you are looking for some clear cut answers, these next two cards may offer more fine tuning.


VACUUM AWAY FEAR ~ Call upon Archangels Michael and Raphael to lift fear-based energy from you, your surroundings, this situation and everyone involved.
Another resounding, YES! If the situation isn't quite flowing smoothly.. utilise the 'I am' and clear the energy further... every time you think of the situation is a perfect opportunity for some Angel Therapy! Thankyou Angels.


LISTEN TO YOUR INTUITIVE FEELINGS ~ Your body is receiving accurate messages from the Divine.
We will be given opportunities of Guidance Daily, constantly! Our bodies are our barometers.. listen, tune in, trust! Soon you will simply be flowing like a flower opening with the sunlight. Allowing light and love in to the situation equates to a healed and wholistic life. In joy!