Tuesday 2 October 2012


Greetings all, it feels wonderful to share another Newsletter with you..

This week my Nanna (87) is visiting to share in a family ceremony. Yesterday she presented me with a newspaper clipping from her local Capital City. Nanna is one of my best Homeopathic patients AND enjoys ChaiBLISS every day. She is a bright spirit and very supportive. I am happy to share this article with you, and the feeling of support and nurturing she brought it with.

Written by nutritionist Sharon Brooks 


They say once you have been seduced by chai tea you never look back. This traditional tea from India, where it is known as 'masala chai', contains a mixture of aromatic herbs and spices. Whether you choose the traditional spice combination of cinnamon, ginger, cardamom, pepper and nutmeg or the modern version with vanilla, there are several health benefits. The components in chai deliver so much goodness..
Here's why you should be consuming it regularly. 

1 Reduces cancer risk

Common chai spices such as cardamom, cinnamon and ginger contain antioxidants and phytochemicals with cancer-prevention properties. In a nutshell, cancer cell proliferation occurs as a result of 'rebel' cells growing in shape and number, damaging DNA and other healthy cells. If consumed regularly, cardamom, cinnamon and ginger may prevent this rebellion occurring and therefore reduce the risk of certain cancers such as bowel and stomach.

2 Prevents Colds

Avoiding the dreaded lurgy if it is going around is often a struggle. The antioxidants and phytochemicals found in chai work in unison to support our immune system. Ginger, particularly, has gut-boosting properties which benefit our defences. Chai is also beneficial for warming the system when you do have a cold.

3 Relieves PMS

If it's that time of the month and a hot water bottle isn't helping, a brew of chai should do the trick. Chai spices such as cinnamon and ginger have been shown to balance hormones and alleviate pain associated with premenstrual syndrome (PMS).

4 Boosts metabolism

There is no need to suffer cold baths and drink hot water laced with lemon and chilli to boost your metabolism as certain diets recommend. Did you know that some spices can help boost the metabolism? Regular consumption of chai spices stimulates digestive and pancreatic enzymes. There is also improved oxygen uptake and fat breakdown. Chai also contributes to the feeling of fullness. All these factors combined rouse our metabolic switches.

5 Prevents diabetes

Chai spices, if consumed regularly, may assist in regulating blood-sugar levels. This is particularly important in the long term to help prevent type 2 diabetes. In the short term, it can help offset sugar cravings. If a person's overall diet is inadequate or contains excessive toxin such as caffeine, processed flours and sugars, chai may assist in offsetting some of the damage. About two cups of medium to strong chai per day is needed for this benefit. Please note, though, that this doesn't give you a free pass to consume unhealthy foods to excess.

6 Reducing bloating

Do you suffer from bloating or gassiness? All the spices contained in chai enhance the activities of stomach and intestinal digestive components. The spices also encourage movement through the gastro-intestinal system. This prevents water and air being drawn to the area and therefor prevents bloating and gas production. 

7 Boosts energy

Common stimulants contained in energy and soft drinks, coffee and lollies provide instant energy hits followed by rapid slumps. The Indian spices contained in traditional chai teas help facilitate energy production within the body. They are a natural and healthy stimulant. Many chai recipes currently available in stores contain black tea as the base ingredient, and therefore caffeine. However, the goodness from the spices leads to a more balanced energy release into the cells. This is beneficial as a morning kick-start and in preventing the afternoon or early evening energy slump.

Word of warning

Chai spices, while exceptionally powerful, cannot undo the damage caused by high intakes of unnecessary fats, sugars and highly processed, nutrient-poor foods. Enjoy chai as part of a well-balanced diet encompassing fresh fruit and vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, nuts and seeds. Drink water and partake in regular physical activity. Lastly, highly treated chai blends with processed sugars, colours, flavours and syrups do not deliver the goodness of the authentic spices.


Click on the title above for this month's FREE indepth Angel Guidance Reading.
The Angels say that this month is one of integration. For example if you are sitting quietly or working on a task and a string of memories flow through your thoughts, this is the Angels applying Angel Therapy to these situations. You may find yourself smiling alot more, they say! A welcome change for most of society! Integration includes many levels, so ensure that your physical body is well looked after and your emotions are feeling attended to aswell. 


This month I am adding some new Sew Sew Good Mobiles to my Made It shop. This is one of my favourites and some new colours and styles are just about ready for you too. 'Domestic Bliss' is only $A20 with free postage within Australia. Handmade with love and Angel Blessings in a smoke free, vegan environment. Bliss!

ChaiBLISS is now available in BULK for the first time through a local and online shop. I still offer wholesale to those buying 1kg or more, and this increases the availability of ChaiBLISS in the local area by visiting their organic store and is part of a range of affordable organic bulk products available from them online. Check out Suki & Brendan's Roar Food Bulk Store for some amazing organic bargains... 1114 Gold Coast Highway, PALM BEACH, QLD, Australia. YES!

I have had a fantastic month of markets, meeting new customers, offering new patients homeopathy.. sewing and convening with our ever present Angels. I wish you well and I hope to continue to support you on your path on ChaiBLISS HEALING.

Angel Blessings of Infinite Bliss to you and those you love,
Rainbow Butterfly Tara

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