Tuesday 2 October 2012


This month one of the most valuable snippets of information that I read regarded the two short words, 'I am'. The Angels say that by utilising these two words and adding a positive statement to go along with it, we are continually building our atmosphere of peace and attainment.
These two words connect us to the creative part of Soul Energy.
Applicable to any and all of life's situations... try it for yourself for magnificent and miraculous results.
A perfect combination with the energy of gratitude xox.
This month strong Guidance around the themes of our Actions and our Beingness, and the relationship between the two.
.. so the Oracle card deck is Angel Therapy .. a lovely connective deck to help us align both our inner thoughts ~ God with our outer actions ~ Goddess.

A surprise return from the Angel Guidance Board too.. a welcome familiar format. Thank you Angels.

Lighting a candle now, and calling upon Archangel Michael to clear and protect all involved xox


SOLAR-PLEXUS CHAKRA ~ It is safe for you to be powerful and take charge of your life in positive ways.
A positive and empowering beginning to this month's reading. Our home is a place of retreat and creativity. All of our homes are unique to some degree, yet the similarities are noticed. We rest, we prepare, we take cover from the elements. For some, and hopefully all of us, home is where the heart is and the feeling of power evokes a peaceful scenario both within the physical home and the auric field of the body.. for this power is an expression of love!


CROWN CHAKRA ~ Pay attention to your ideas, as they are messages of true Divine Guidance sent in answer to your prayers.
As Neptune is still retrograde this message enhances the awareness of dream guidance. I have personally enjoyed many dream teachings recently.. how are your dreams? Before sleep, simply call in the Angels to guide you further with your queries or situations. They present safe and peaceful wisdoms all in the comfort of our own sleep time.


MANIFESTATION POWER ~ Use your spiritual gifts and natural abilities to attract your desired outcome.
A lovely pattern emerging.. first with the Chakra cards, now with the theme of Power. Our Spiritual Power strengthens when we focus upon the spark of Divine  Light within. We are all expressions of the Divine, living a physical life. Our manifesting power is enhanced when we connect to the Source/Soul energy as stated before, using the words, "I am".. 'I am manifesting peace and harmony with money, increasing each and every day.'


BE WILLING TO FORGIVE ~ Ask the Angels to clear your mind and body of past pain in exchange for peacefulness.
'I am honouring forgiveness now.' The Angels say that this could also mean that many are forgiving you regarding your career choices right now, as they too open up to their expansive choices. A career is a rut after all.. our Divine Life Purpose awareness opens us up to infinite possibilities and soul-utions.. this brings with it empathy and understanding of others.


CLEAR YOURSELF ~ Ask the Angels to release any toxic energies that you may have absorbed.
More practical Guidance with this card. So many of us forget to clear our auras. It is normal to wash our clothes, our teeth, our dishes. So too, practice the normality of clearing your aura. With just a simple thought to the Divine, it is done. Often times as others are clearing, the energies may not be sure where to go and psychic attack is still occuring, making others feel silly, irritated, irrational and grumpy.. often swearing and making rash decisions. You are also able to clear others.


HEAL AWAY ADDICTIONS ~ It's time to let go of behaviours that are blocking you from your heart's desire. Ask Archangel Raphael to help you with this healing.
Last month many of us released so many thoughts and patterns during Angel Detox month with the Guidance of Doreen Virtue. This month, fresh and clean, the Angels smile and say that it is our turn to help and assist others with their path of detoxing. We all know someone in our lives who is not quite on the path yet.. one foot in, one foot off. Our prayers our powerful, as is our gratitude. Affirming the Highest Good for all is a wonderful spiritual path.. guaranteed to have a side effect of feeling clearer and more purposeful yourself.


GODDESS ~ Express your Divine feminine energy, embracing its magical intuition and nurturing qualities. 
Yes, our intuition is paramount in navigating our pristine health at this time the Angels say. Our physical body is the only one we get this lifetime and it is vital to keep it in optimum health. With the assistance of the Angels, we feel alive, fresh and healthy, allowing pure clean thoughts to filtrate through our minds so that we may be integrated and living a purpose filled life of love.


RELEASE ~ Work with Archangel Michael to let go of what no longer serves you or your purpose.
The Angels say that this links back to the previous card regarding detoxing and helping others around you with this. We have become stronger so that we may help others. Our knowledge and experience are valuable social and spiritual tools right now. This is to be a peaceful time, as we are all in similar situations. Support is the key word here.


PARENTS ~ The Divine truth is that your parents eternally love you to the best of their ability. The Angels are helping you heal from any pain associated with your mother or father.
Wow, spot on synchronicity. Another recurring theme with release and healing. This card shows that we are helping our parents past and present and becoming better parents ourselves.. also many new parents beginning their journey! A lovely card in a lovely placement. 


IF YOU GET NERVOUS, FOCUS ON SERVICE ~ Put your entire intention on answering the question "How can I make the world a better place?" and the Law of Attraction will automatically take care of your needs.
Love this!! And have enjoyed this practice many many times. As we have a cyclical world, it is natural to have times to receive, and then times to give. To give your life purpose, offer service and the universe aligns!

If there is a situation recurring for you and you are looking for some clear cut answers, these next two cards may offer more fine tuning.


VACUUM AWAY FEAR ~ Call upon Archangels Michael and Raphael to lift fear-based energy from you, your surroundings, this situation and everyone involved.
Another resounding, YES! If the situation isn't quite flowing smoothly.. utilise the 'I am' and clear the energy further... every time you think of the situation is a perfect opportunity for some Angel Therapy! Thankyou Angels.


LISTEN TO YOUR INTUITIVE FEELINGS ~ Your body is receiving accurate messages from the Divine.
We will be given opportunities of Guidance Daily, constantly! Our bodies are our barometers.. listen, tune in, trust! Soon you will simply be flowing like a flower opening with the sunlight. Allowing light and love in to the situation equates to a healed and wholistic life. In joy!

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