Wednesday 3 April 2013


I trust you all had a magnificent Easter. I have my lovely children on school holidays at the moment so life is full, happy and bright and full of Divine Timing! This has inspired me for the choice of Oracle card Deck for this month. While enjoying time with my 7 year old son, Mahalo, I suddenly 'had it'... the Magical Unicorns Oracle Deck ! .. and to further confirm, in Doreen Virtue's YouTube Reading for the week, she mentions the INNER CHILD.. so here we are... let's look at the cards individually. 

This is a full Celtic Cross Layout (available via for individual personal Guidance)

CARD ONE = THE SITUATION BELIEVE IN YOURSELF! See yourself doing well, and you will.
A lovely beginning to the Reading/Healing! Flying high we can see all parts of ourselves. From a young child to a grown up, once we elevate our vibrational field, all is available. This speaks to 'Progression'.. similar to a past life Regression, we focus our positive intentions INTO THE FUTURE to see ourselves happy, successful and doing what we love with who we adore. This speaks to our Inner Essence and our timelessness. We are able to go back and visit our younger self energetically, and give words of encouragement and support. Guidance always comes from a space of love and love is eternal so the effects are limitless. Ultimately, like Abraham/Hicks teaches, once we are in that high vibratory VORTEX, everything falls into place. The alignment begins with each of us individually. This is not a selfish or self centred experience.. this is an ALIGNMENT OF LOVE.

CARD TWO = THE QUESTION TRUE  Yes, what you're asking about is the truth.
In many cultures we have been taught not to 'talk ourselves up' to be unhealthily 'humble' and to self deprecate. In this time though the TRUTH IS RESURFACING. We have lived through a sort of Spiritual Dark-age and are now waking each other up. For many, as bodhisattvas, our role was to seemingly dim our light and 'go back' and awaken the others. This created a different situation all together. Now that we are rising in vibration consciously, we are able to truly embrace the miracles that we are. Doreen Virtue's son, Charles, recently wrote about the statistics of our existence. Mathematically it is more likely for each of us to win the lottery than the wonder of our actual existence.. we are a phenomenon! So, YES! This power is within us, all of us. We are able to transmute the fear the media feeds us.. we are the media! So follow your truth, look for the real truth, honour the truth within... no questions are then required.

CARD THREE = THE DESTINY YOU ARE GIFTED  You are very intelligent and talented.
See, it's our destiny! Hahaha.. love it when the cards play the confirmation game! We are born to embrace our Soul Path. Our Unicorns will guide us through our teachings and experiences, so that we find this within ourselves. The entanglements of the past are released fully when we honour the inner light that we truly are. It is a magical unravelling. A journey of peace. We are destined to live this peace, here on Earth, in these exact physical bodies. We are the Gift xox So, this month, really, our destiny is to open the gift and share it, appreciate it and hone it. Feels great!

CARD FOUR = THE PAST (18 MONTHS) ONE STEP AT A TIME  Lots of little steps make big dreams come true.
This does speak of our past and where we have come from. In the image, there is a ring of stones set out like Stonehenge. For many of us, this WAS our last step. From one time to another, one step on the journey of the Soul's expression. With compassion for the present moment and each of our personal experiences, we make up a whole. We thrive when we unite and this has occurred in a step by step process. One thing must follow the other. This does however create a fluid and seamless continuation. This card reminds us to be thankful of our past. To really know that it helped in every possible way and that we would not be who we are good or bad, if it weren't for our history. The Magic of the Unicorns allows us to lift up, into awareness and step further on our path. Leaving the past with gratitude and awe.

CARD FIVE = THE PRESENT HEALER  You have the power to help and heal others.
Right NOW we are able to find peace, and healing. Taking a deep and magnificent breath, we centre ourselves in the present moment, and the world aligns.. the universe aligns.. in our hearts and minds, everything is in perfect and divine right order. For this moment, allow the integration, the alignment, the perfection. Breathing into this we realise that each moment holds this pure potential! We are infinitely co-creating, so let's co-create pristine health for ourselves, our loved ones and our planet. Look upon all things with the eyes of love, with the awareness of love, and this becomes second nature. Our actions ripple out into the ethers, and because of the Divine Laws of the Universe, peace, healing and love are all that can be manifested for this is what we are thinking and believing! How free and easy life truly is. How beautiful and majestic this physical existence truly is! Breathe oh Healer. You are here, therefore you have the ability to Heal. Oh wonder, life is a treasure xox.

CARD SIX = THE FUTURE (18 MONTHS)  GRANDPARENT  You have a special bond with a grandparent that can never be broken.
This card ofcourse has many layers. Some of us will be stepping into the actual role of becoming a grandparent. For others it will be about connecting further with their own grandparents. This can be from those living in this realm and the next. Grandparents are notorious spirit communicators and most of us have ancestors willing to communicate with us from the other side. Whether it is a an ancestry relationship or a new role moving in to the future, this theme is ancient. Try reading the Celestine Prophecy 12th Insight for further information regarding spiritual communication.. it is VERY positive, insightful (yes!) and helpful. Enjoy your specific role and journey of place.

CARD SEVEN = HOW WE SEE OURSELVES PRACTICE  The best way to be good at a skill is to practice, practice, practice until you get it right.
Another multi-meaning card.. which suits, as this is a Reading/Healing for so many! It seems our self view can be perceived as 'not quite there' with this one... that we 'need' more practice. OR it can seem that we are so happy with our life choices that all we choose to do is practice our favourite things. Yet another message the Angels are reminding us of is our own HEALING PRACTISE. This relates further to the previous card relating to the time frame of the Now, with the Healer card. We ARE encouraged fully to create our own style and unique service completely modelled around our own specific talents, passions and ideas. Which one fits you?

I so LOVE this card for this placement! A big refreshing sigh of relief for the attitude adjustment bureau. How true is it, when we relax, everything flows! THIS is the energy presented to us, so we really are good to go. FEELING supported allows us to grow, glow and grin. A magnificent energy pervading the whole month. Well done Group Consciousness! EVERY opportunity to feel the love.

CARD NINE = HOPES & DREAMS HAPPY SURPRISE  Something very good is about to happen!
We really are sweet and innocent on the inside. Our truest wishes and hopes are that life surprises us with WONDER! And this is possible with the Angels in our life. Upon reading 'The Magic' by the author of the Secret, I have loved blessing my future with gratitude. In this book, Rhonda Byrne coaxes us to 'be thankful for the magnificent outcome'. When we align with magnificence how can life be anything BUT a wonderful uplifting surprise. So this card reminds us to be honest and know that deep down this is all we really hope for, happiness!

CARD TEN = THE OUTCOME + TWO FINE TUNING CARDS BEST FRIENDS  True friends stick together, no matter what.
So the outcome this month has to do again with relationships. Let us call upon Archangel Raguel now, the Archangel of peaceful relationships, so that we may be our own best friends foremost and also attract beautiful healthy friends into our lives. Often our friendships over time evolve and change.. this is normal and natural and healthy. So the friends we grew up with may not be the friends we chat with today. With the wonder of the internet though, we are able to keep in touch easier than many other times in human history. The Angels and Unicorns are with us our whole lives, as are ourselves. So the main meaning of this card, they say, is to be your own best friend. It is a very important part of who you are and loving your own company and treating yourself with kindness and respect are truly the outcome for this reading. Another yay!

EXERCISE  Run, walk, swim or otherwise move your body. This will give you more energy and happiness.
The conditions are amazing right now to go play out in this wonder world. The seasons are at their changing times and there is so much to discover (and rediscover :) Go outdoors as often as you can and stretch and BREATHE and be amazed! You will find like Lou Ferrigno when he was studying for the role of the Incredible Hulk, that we naturally become toned and fit just by being in a happy, healthy environment.. the element of PLAY is always recommended by the Angels and with the Unicorns blessing as well, this is an exercise in wholism.

FAMILY CULTURE  Learn more about your family's stories and history.
Once again our roles in our families are presented. Follow your own guidance with this one. This is definitely a personal journey. Know that your role, now, in this time has purpose and meaning related to the family you incarnated with. We are all grouped together specifically to strengthen bonds, undo karma, create support and to unlock hidden learnings. The intensity and intimacy of the family unit is legendary! Take time with this and also stay focused on the higher vibration available. Call upon Archangel Michael to cut all chords and clear anything and everything that is unlike love. This itself could be the best gift available at this time. Freedom and Family = FUN.

DECIDE  It's time to clearly make a decision about what you want.
Taking Guidance from the stunning image on this card, I notice that the unicorn statue in the background seems blanketed and protected by a special field. This is ofcourse water from the fountain. Water represents our emotions. So this would be a kind reminder to clear your personal energy field with the loving help of the Angels. Our unicorns are our personal night time guides when we travel to places for Spiritual Learning. This month they will as always be available to assist in these themes of emotional clarity. Just call upon them before sleep and invite them along during your dreams. The large unicorn in the front of the image is clearly relaxed, resting and mindful. This is a great way to find any decision. And we must know what we truly prefer in order to receive it. So take the time to clear your aura, rest and reflect and then go about making your decisions. Often they will gently disappear into the re-soul-ution when we find that matching vibratory space. Enjoy!

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