Well it seems RELATIONSHIPS are the focus again this month. How did you go with the Romance Angels in February? Lots of fodder for review.
March looks like a wonderful wonderful month... lets have a closer look at each card individually in this Celtic Cross Layout.
Straight away we are drawn to the pink love heart in this image. It resonates with the upper heart chakra.. the chakra that corresponds with the Thymus Gland, one of the main glands of ascension and awakening. Often this gland/chakra area will flutter when growth is occuring. You may feel it while watching a movie or after speaking with someone who has revealed their honesty with you. Just as Nature is always HONEST with us. Every time! This card indicates that we are to be completely honest with our relationships this month. The Fairies are also represented as helping with our hearts. More and more the Fairies are able to help us as we lift our energies to the light. I have heard so many stories of the 'parking fairy' from many families in the last six months! So the Fairies AND the energy of the Green Man are prompting us to spend more time tuning in with the Natural Realm. Beach walks, potted plants, crystals.. these all count. Let the element of nature really speak with you, and allow you to open up and speak freely with others when the time is right. Great start!
This speaks of past life connections. Check out Cloud Atlas to understand the concept here... how we are all playing differing roles with similar themes. This theme is to do with the male influences of life. What are we questioning here? The gender specific roles of society are always shifting. How is your relationship with the male aspect of yourself. This is one of the first themes when we are awakening to ascension. For some, we are beginning. For others, we are re-spiralling back to adjust and review. Good Mercurial energy there. Spirituality and Action combine in this instance. We have so many planets in the spiritual sign of Pisces. It is time for us to really question our actual actions. Remember, that our patterns are in a state of flux right now. We are recreating new patterns, beliefs and ways of doing things. Do question what is presented, but do it from a place of Spirit. Place love first, and all else will fall in to place Divinely.
We are picking up on those ancient, timeless relationships. Yes, this term has been used to describe the 'ultimate' wholistic relationship. Yet often this very definition itself goes through phases of meaning. The Angels say that this term has to do with Eternity. Your relationship/connection with it... and the connections with those others who you are conscious with regarding this energy. Whoever springs to mind is the one/s you are destined to work with this month. The Angels have described this Twin Flame relationship to mean the one you have incarnated with as an actual sibling twin in other lives. Not all of these incarnations resulted in births though, and this is where the energy resides with this right now. We are still so connected with these personalities. This may not mean that you are to be in a physical or romantic relationship with this person. Your Partner By Divine Right is your romantic relationship. Hahhh.. lots of thoughts. Lots of potential. Basically, destiny is showing that Mercury Retrograde for the majority of March is aligning us with our twin energies. Just as we have addressed the theme of the male/female within each of us. This takes it to a further level and regards CONNECTION. Wholistic Connection. Breathe with it. Let it unfurl.
We are all creators. We all have a personal style. This card shows that our own personal style is the stepping stone from which we are platforming from this month. We have something unique. We have something similar. This pattern of existence is only replicated once. Life is a miraculous offering! Take your unique style, your personal gift and keep expressing this during March. Let your light shine your way. Let others see the real you. Each of us is designed with complete precision and accuracy. The last year and a half are to be viewed from this vantage point in time, as a period of discovery, wonder and accumulation. Feel in your heart the majesty of this. Step forward into the future self now. Only love is real.
A welcome card here in this placement! Celebrate your abundance.. your infinite prosperity! Stand centred in your universe. All that is for your highest good flows effortlessly to you now. Lakshmi is a powerful and popular deity in Hindu tradition. Many other cultures have befriended this gilded girl along the way. She bestows upon us all the connectivity of creative culture. She aligns us with our fortune and twinkles with golden coins. You may find some gold coins or have a certain experience this month to confirm her presence in your life. These occurrences pave the way for many more in the future and provide confirmation for past events enabling more in the next months. Let Lakshmi provide perfect prosperity xox
One of my first Guides! Nice to see his shining eyes here for our future reading. Kuthumi helps us with numerology, spiritual teachings and alignment. He helps us understand. He reminds us to focus on love. He truly guides us through events and leads us to people, knowledge and circumstances that better our growth. He communicates with pattern, a little mystery and exploration. His energy is very light. You always feel that little bit more adventurous and able when he is around. Looks like a big month of connected growth and expansion. I think we're ready don't you!
His personal message is to remain focussed upon your own journey. Allow others to fulfill their roles just as you are fulfilling yours. This may provide some interesting scenes.. all perfectly ordered. To assist further with this focus, work with your numerology for the year. Simply add your birth date digits with your birth month digits with the digits of this year .. ie 24th September = 2+4+9+2+0+1+3 ... this year's resonance is 3 (bring it to a single number) More info on the internet.
This is not about sexual orientation and the phrase linked to coming out. This is about admitting to yourself and to others your Spiritual Strengths. This is about being real in every sense. About showing up, being present, allowing love to enter through you at every opportunity. This IS about relationships and how you see yourself. This card reminds us to give ourselves PERMISSION to be who we are. When we are truly ourselves, all relationships are Divine! Shine from within and shine this to others in your life. Reflect the true nature of love to one another. It is about how you present yourself. It is about your awareness of your self. See yourself with eyes of love. Shine Shine Shine xox
Love love love this! Rising above any situation to a state of pure bliss and joy.. love love love! No matter where we are or what we are presented with, the opportunity to love is always always present. Whether it is being more kind and patient with oneself, or more open and sharing with another, the Earthly Plane ALWAYS gives us the opportunity to love. Just like yoga always has another breath to deepen the pose, so too do we in every instance. Krishna's energy is palpable. Uplifting! Kind! Fun! .. and very practical. Lift yourself to the presence of Krishna as often as you can. Feed with the love and join with others who rise the consciousness of humanity in every instance. Yes!
So many well known Ascended Masters working with us at this time! The Violet Flame of St Germain is well renowned for healing and transmutation. It cuts through all that is unlike love and lifts thoughts and physical manifestations to the light that is within all things. The patterns and order are truly on our minds and in our hearts right now. We want to get on with it. We have been designing our lives for so long now. The alignments are with us and the opportunities are what we truly wish for. Keeping our hopes aligned toward this wonderful vision, we move forward together. Use colour therapy. Take the time to think things through. The blue print for the New Earth is in our hands. Make eye contact and await the miracles!
This is ancient gifted knowledge. As babies we practiced yoga EVERY DAY. This month is a pathway back to and for some, deepening our connection with our physicality and our spirituality through movement, intention and design. You know this. You crave this. This is happening and we are able to finally support one another with it. There is alot of opportunity to say YES this month.
This buddhist Ascended Master has a sword of light similar to Archangel Michael. So part of the outcome of this month's reading is to clear away all that is unlike love. We are reminded of the sounds of nature here. These sounds attune us to our heart pulse and the magnetic field of the 'healthy earth'. We may sing, dance and hum. Intone, chant and play. The Music of the Spheres is there for us to listen in.
Last month we were working on letting go of control. This month, we are shown the reigns once more. We are coming from a place of purity and light so this opportunity can be personalised and embraced. We are Divinely supported to get things in order. To ensure that it is the best of the best. Another reminder in the card image, to get outdoors to tune in to the best of the best this planet has to offer. The Angels were recently explaining that many of us look at the state of health of the planet as a whole and we have gradually lost trust in her. We no longer lay upon the Earth as our first source of healing. This is free and highly recommended by the way, but it makes sense. When we look at the 'news' and we see degradation day after day, we begin to loose hope in the healing ability of the planet. How can she help us if she can't help herself? We are here to help and to heal. We are here to enjoy and to laugh. When we shift our focus to what is RIGHT instead of what is WRONG.. we receive more of what we focus upon. We got this!
Here in this image we do see a pristine path. The moon illuminates the fresh water, the healthy flora and the amazing architecture. Things can be this way again. Not all pyramids every where but the balance, integrity and harmony between humanity and nature. Thoth comes to us when we are ready to practice Automatic Writing. He aligns us with our primal past. He awakens those memories of actual events and times when we knew this planet was awake, alive and part of who we are. Underlying the energy of this month IS the opportunity for those who wish to explore this. This feels like the Advanced Homework section for those lightworkers out there who have already got a handle on this. Thoth is recommending that now be a good time to write. Plan, release... reinvent. It's all there.
This really feels like ALOT. We are at the veritable smorgasbord of co~creating. Planets support this. Angels support this. Ascended Masters who previously lived on Earth support this. Opportunities of connection are with us now.
With this month's reading and the Virtue Scope to play with .. have fun xox
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