Thursday, 2 January 2014


Hi everyone! 
I hope you have all had a few moments over the holy days to reflect upon your Divine Essence and 'what makes you tick'. There is a new vibration in the air thanks to the numerological shift into 2014. This permeates on a very ancient level and flavours our cells with potency and possibility of change. The energy of 7 portends to an especially Spirit based energy. Reflection, quietude, ritual, primal and also very high vibrations.
I am glad to be with you again during this new sumptuous energy. Already the difference is highly palpable. 
Célébrer !!

Here is our Angel Guidance Reading for this month.

A lovely energy to begin the Reading, with Archangel Michael's loving clarity and protection. Yes, the energies are still changing. Some are high and some are low. It is like the tide going in and out still and no matter where we find ourselves energetically, this card shows that Archangel Michael is right with us ALL. It is a lovely and loving prayer to call upon Archangel Michael to clear the planet and all upon her. This is best done upon waking and going to sleep.

I have read this in other's reports about this year ... that relationships are coming under scrutiny. This is a year of Self predominantly. We all have many 'others' in our lives and living alone is not what this is about. It is about discernment and equality. It is about love and respect. You know what the Angels are referring to here as we have been getting signs for many months regarding our relationships and dealings with others. The book 'Assertiveness for Earth Angels' will literally change your life and the relationships in it. Follow your inner wisdom and intuition regarding your interactions with others and focus upon the love in all ways. If we can complain about something/someone.. we can also compliment something/someone. Taking the high road is going to be much easier this year. Our energies are protected and the path is clear.. and when we do follow this path, we can rejoice that it is lined with supportive spirited friends and helping hands along the way.. you are one of them!

Ahh, breathe this in. In fact lets take a moment now to pause and inhale this wholistic energy. It opens our lungs, which opens our hearts and feeds loving, healing energy outward into our hands for sharing with others. Compassion is THE energy for 2014! It is filled with Divine Essence, with Soul and with Heart. It nourishes, understands, supports and listens. It cares. It is within every cell and every thought we have, NOW. It is an extension of the truth in every moment. It bathes us with light. It makes everything right xox

I enjoy seeing this card in this placement. We really are moving along nicely as a group! This card shows that we are aware of our selves. Aware of our truths and are happily expressing this already. This is a wonderful base for the rest of the year. It is akin to a full scholarship to our favourite learning place. We have found our platform .. it is from within us and it IS us. We are the ones who are creating and co-creating the New. Our unique contributions are revered as we continue to shine our brilliant ideas outwardly to our communities. A celebratory energy indeed xox

Awwwh, our loving 'Merry Christmas' energy is still with us. This is the nurturing, caring, 'can-do' spirit we have embodied. Mother Mary's kindness and care permeates our lives now. She is a teacher of the Highest Order and she looks after each and every one of us that choose to work with her. Her infinite nature resonates into every incarnation, offering understanding, softness and strength in wisdom. Walk with Mother Mary into any situation for complete calm and transmutation of energies to the highest forms of love. Her light will go before you as a personal lighthouse and ensure those loving friends are there to great you when you need them. She will sit with you quietly when you feel to be on your own. Her heart is very poetic and musical so be aware of new melodies and lyrics filtering through for you. She is a very powerful healer in her acceptance of all life, yet she is also very private and personal and is able to assist with the deepest of issues ready for release. Om Shanti.

This is the colour of Archangel Chamuel. Could it be that our health is merely something that needs to be uncovered as it is with us all along. There is no great mystery to healing, although many try to make it complicated. We are DESIGNED TO REGENERATE... simple! Allowing our own healing abilities to gently expand to the surface is all that is truly required. A simple diet, plenty of good laughter, nice rest, nice surroundings, peaceful extension.. simple! Our future looks bright and HEALTHY! Keep this as a personal mantra (a mind shield) 'I enjoy my full health now.' Walk with this and allow your inner wisdom to guide the way.

We see ourselves properly now. Utilising our powerful thoughts and intentions to create our true perfection. We are able to lift up others in an instant and shine our light from afar. We use loving thoughts and powerful prayer to remove obstacles from all facets of the globe and society and nature. If something is bothering you, simply turn your heart and thoughts upward in vibration and affirm the most positive outcome for all involved. Gratitude is hand in hand with this card. Ask, Receive, Believe! The Law of Attraction is just as immediate as the Law of Gravity. Remember this as we see ourselves and realise our true power!

Here we are met with the energy of karma. It is true that we need to turn up for the good karma too. The Angels say that many are turning inward now as a mass group consciousness of awareness washes over humanity. We are to be kind and patient when our apologies arrive. They will be some expected, and some a complete surprise. Basically, all light shifts all darkness and this Spiritual Energy of 2014 is already pouring light into the deepest crevices of our selves. Sincerity and Compassion will enable clean and clear chakras. Our spines will literally begin to straighten fully and this is part of our inner health resurgence. There is a new vitality in the air. Posture is the main theme of this card. Our confidence is renewed as wrongs are made right. 

Softness and Care. Do you remember the story of the Gratitude Rock? From such a hard substance a complete turn around in awareness was born. We are all reaching out now. Our hearts as Lightworkers are honed to heal and re-light the embers within each and every individual and Soul Group healing is manifesting at monumental rates. This card permeates every one of our choices. From sustainable, ethical clothes, to kindness and conversation with neighbours, and awareness and positive action towards the environment... all are covered when we embody love and extend this outwardly as far as we possibly can. Our auric fields contain all the knowledge required to live a peaceful, wholistic life. When we amplify our loving thoughts and actions with conscious awareness and when we join together with likeminded Soul Groups, we amplify at higher and higher rates, covering the Globe and beyond. Go ahead and share this love now, first with your self, then with whatever pops into your mind. Your thoughts create! You are manifesting right now, with love.

This card gets to the heart of the situation. When we honour our infinite, eternal self and journeys, we can see our immediate surrounds for what they truly are. We can be in this world but not of it. We are able to share and feel and be so much love without being attached to any outcome or experience. We can transform situations instantly to joy, fun and laughter. We can understand the messages of individual plants, commune with animals and send telepathic loving messages to one another. Each of us has the perfect receptors open now to continue with this amazing blueprint for Mother Earth. I am truly thrilled and excited to be here at this time.. it is WONDEROUS.

Your Upper Heart Chakra contains all the scientific knowledge and receives all Guidance to help you continue with the next phase of your life. You intrinsically know, right now, what it is you would like to explore next. Is it Ayurvedic Studies (for me, yes ;0) Or is it hang gliding. Is it colouring in or Pilates. Take a step in any direction you choose! Your powerful powerful mind can readjust in an instant. There are no wrong decisions. You simply reawaken the energy of the Vortex within each present moment to find your bliss, your truth. Step outdoors and 'Go Sacred' as often as you can. Dip your toe in the well of infinite possibilities. Create your Majestic Magnificence!

When you are ready you will do this effortlessly. It will occur constantly. Others will reciprocate. Your inner wisdom is with you in all ways. What you know now, another needs to know soon. What they know, you will soon know. As our inner strength grows, our community grows too. The individual connected with their All creates a powerful environment. This attracts other connected individuals and soon the whole world is in Unity and Harmony. Thankyou!!

To connect to Spirit we still need time for ourselves on a regular basis. Some will find strong connections to dream guidance. Others will find information during meditation or excercise. Whatever works for you, do it. If it's not working yet, remind yourself to 'try something new'. Look to the happiest times of your life. Look to the happiest people you know. What is the common thread? YOU! You are all you ever need for anything. You are a self contained universe of infinite wonder. Taking time to see this enhances ALL.

This month I am offering a SPECIAL PRICE on Angel Oracle or Angel Tarot Celtic Cross Personal Layouts. This will be tuned to your specific vibration and look similar to the layout we work with here at ChaiBLISSHealing. (as above)

I have all 22 Doreen Virtue decks so you are free to choose from which every you resonate with. 

The price is normally $A95 and this month they will be available for $A70 to celebrate the energy of seven. This special will last the whole month and you are able to book your appointment beginning 6th January or anytime throughout the year. 

The changing of energies is a powerful time to connect with your messages. I adore helping others communicate with their Angels and if you are yet to have a private Reading/Healing with me or would like another one, this is a great saving.

Not available on the website, see ChaiBLISSHealing on facebook for more details or email me for your booking.

Namaste, Butterfly 

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