Tuesday 4 March 2014


This month I surrendered to the Divine regarding the free monthly Angel Guidance Reading. I find that surrender always delivers miracles. I have a son who loves to gobble our internet data quota, so once again, I knew I was beginning the Reading after the month had begun. I also realised I didn't have an affinity with any particular deck this month. This happens occasionally during busier months when I am using a wide variation of all the decks I have (all except one .. the last one with James Van Praagh) for private readings. So, there I was, in afternoon traffic with all this on my mind all of a sudden. 

I smiled, and handed it over to the Angels and within moments I was thinking about the Saints & Angels Oracle Deck. The Guidance with their choice of deck this month is that we have been through ALOT. Last year was tiresome. The beginning of this year started well, then we had Mercury Retrograde after a Venus Retrograde.. now we have a Mars Retrograde and a Saturn Retrograde. It's like we have to keep rehashing over the past to move forward... one step forward, three steps back ;) (those of us in the flow pop on some great music and make a dance of it)

The Angels explained that the Humane Humans are just looking for a little extra support right now. We KNOW about Angels, we KNOW about Ascended Masters, but we also FEEL so very deeply our lives here on the Earthly Realm. So... the Saints! The Saints remind us that 'there are good people in this world and if you can't find one.. be one'. They remind us that doing the right thing IS the right thing. They connect us with our Higher Selves and propel us forward through the throng of society, 'doing Good' as we go ... and with a smile too! 

So, here is our Saints & Angels Guidance for the month of March xox

This card comes to us as a gentle hug. It reminds us of Who We Are. It reminds us to reach out for Divine Assistance (yes, this is constant) It reminds us to remind others to do the same. The colour they have chosen for the text to reflect the image is a soft lavender purple. This colour is the colour found in the aura of those who are Ascended Masters incarnated on Earth. So it IS about our Ascension, our Higher Selves, our living our best lives consciously. Although we may be going over a few of our familiar themes again and again, we do know how to do this. We do have the stamina to do this and we do have the right intentions with us all the way. When we pray, we also align ourselves with Heaven's Help. Some have their eyes open right now, others are resting. We take it in turns and our hearts guide the way. 

At this point of our Co~parenting ourselves, we are are wondering about our patterns, our sleep, our recuperative powers. Our energy levels. This is truly a time of growth. Our newborn selves are going through a huge growth spurt as we prepare to launch in to all the ideas we have been given. We are aligning with the right people, places and times. Planetary alignments are occuring and this affects all of us as a whole. 
The thrill of being in a new year is kind of wearing off and we are faced with what looks like 'the same old same old' or a whole lot of 'work'. Pray first! 
Just like newborns, it is time to rest when we feel guided. We are reinstating the Blueprint of the New Paradigm. It is a physical, action. We require REST. Take your phone and place it on silent every now and then. Realise that going to bed instead of watching that movie is going to benefit your whole entire week. Stop trying to fill the gaps with busyness. Lay down. Hold a crystal. Align your chakras with the pulse of the Earth. Feel, breath,.. grin xox

St Agnes' story can be found online. She is with us to assist in navigating the new energies AND keeping them in place. She shows that the future, our Destiny is one of a pristine vibration. Nothing that is unlike love shall enter. It shall barely even be acknowledged (see how she is looking away). She and the Angels explain that we have had enough time to settle in. The tone has been set and we are the Gate Keepers of what is right and what is wrong. There is clear and easy definition between the two now. There is no doubt what is true and what is false. Alot of what is leaving the Earth is still in the spot light. War, disharmony, disregard for life and basic rights. Fresh water for all. Forest degradation for dollars. Ocean dumping grounds. (we get the idea)
Rest assured that our Destiny is one of Pristine Energy. There are boundaries set out for our Safety and Wellbeing. All is well. Stand your ground. Know your Heart. Head away from the masses if need be to recoup and regather your strength and clarity. The outdoors brings clarity of mind and spirit. 

A lovely card to find in any Reading! To find this in our past indicates that we do have a basis of Peace. It is found deep within our cellular knowledge. It is who we are. It lifts us up and we deliver the news wherever we go. It emanates from us as naturally as a leaf falls to the ground with the flutter of gravity. I always feel uplifted and timeless when I see a white dove or a fluffy white cloud with the light shining on it and through it in just the right way. These are the moments that make our heart sing. The Angels explain that we have been all receiving many many signs in the recent past from the Holy Spirit. We are shown again and again of our true selves.  This card is a gentle reminder to go back to peaceful memories and to let our minds relax here and replenish. Peacefulness in our past = Peacefulness in our Future. 

Here we are shown the way forward. It is a steady 'one-step-at-a-time' action that is being shown. The energies are changing so swiftly that we are best to tack into the wind and be very open to alternatives at every turn. The energy of flowers stills us so that we may best make the most suitable choices and decisions. Their energy and scent allow the present moment to infuse the every day. Surrounding ourselves with delicious aromas and essential oils gives us a personal buffer that moves us forward as we follow our heart and tend to our chosen tasks. What a lovely gift flowers are to humanity. 
In the card image we see Roses of many colours. Roses are the perfect purifiers. Placing roses in your living space (or rose petals) truly brings a clarity that is palpable. The softness and high vibrational scent bring the self back to love and align all with the truth of love.

Our Guardian Angels have been with us our entire lives. They know our deepest thoughts and Guide us throughout all of our time here on Earth. They are aware of what we feel deep down. What we are truly passionate about. What excites us. What our talents are to assist the planet. As a group, the Guardian Angels of us all are in full force to further our knowledge in our chosen field. Whether it be music, or skating or a mixture of both that is completely unique to you, your Guardian Angel is working with a planet-wide team of Guardian Angels to move us forward on with our Divine Plan. This plan encompasses ALL. The entirety of existence is included. This is a loving and comforting energy of support and care. Opportunities are being offered. The soft loving wings of your Guardian Angels are blanketing you, ensuring you get the best offers available. Doors are opening. Miracles are everywhere!

This is great. This card in this placement shows that we are already aware of what we are to share. The image on this card shows that the more we open up and receive the voice of love, the more we shall receive it. This is an energy of attainment. We are conscious of our calling. We are collaborating with the Angels and honouring our journeys. Knowing is such an empowering energy. The truth is truly empowering. As we continue to look to love and loving actions for Guidance, we dispel all that is unlike love. It becomes obsolete. There is such captivating honesty and power in this image. Blessed Be xox

This card reminds us that our men our opening up and receiving at this time. This is a powerful shift in energy. We have become balanced once more. Our giving and receiving is in alignment. We see our graces and prepare to receive the gifts of God. The Sacred Geometry of the New Paradigm is available. This is what is being presented. All healing comes from this. It is purity and all disease simply dissolves. It is not created. It is released and disappears. Transmutation is occuring now everywhere. There is a quickening as we all remember and recall our best selves. We fill up on this knowledge and raise our eyes to the truth in all instances. I feel a very celebratory energy with this!!

Yes, it takes courage to believe. Our truest hopes are of being able to fully let go and just trust. An awareness of letting go and letting God. We have already attained so so much.  We really hope to believe that all this unrest we continue to see on the news is simply the energy of the Earth and her humans clearing itself. We truly hope to believe that our loved ones are safe and ok and that we are 'doing the right thing'. This card speaks to our conscientiousness. It is true; there is right and wrong. We can FEEL it. We know whether we are working at harming or healing in every given situation. We were born with this insight. This card shows that we are choosing love over fear. We are gazing deep in to the eyes of love, with love. We send love to all. We shine this love and our auras become large and powerful.. as we were originally designed. What a journey. Well done!

The light at the end of the tunnel card. Here we are able to embrace our gifts. We can close our eyes and delight in the full sensory experience before we move on to the next. This card honours expansion (look at those wings reaching way out, not even fitting within the constraints of the card) This card reminds me of all the lifetimes we have prepared for this. The energy of the Ascended Master is strong here. We are Angels walking the Earth now. We are able to gather together our talents and our awareness and embrace it all with succinct tangibility. What a delight!

More divine lavender colouring. Such attainment. A gathering of like minded souls together. Here our message is that our Guardian Angels are committed to keeping us on the right path. We have a strong familiarity with our Guardian Angels. As we mentioned, they have been with us our whole lives. Their commitment in US allows our commitment to the world to flourish. This is truly a team effort. These cards are gorgeous!

A lovely extension occurs here. Our animal friends and us are uniting in a wonderful Peace On Earth experience. We are committed to caring and in turn, our animal friends care for us. Everywhere we look we hear stories of whales, Sea Shepard, dolphin protection, petitions to protect orcas and the ploits of thousands of caged animals is being exposed every day. We have exposure of palm oil and the forests and the orang-utans. We have large companies changing their policies regarding factory hens and farming as a whole. We have stunning eco companies preparing and providing amazing eco organic products that refuse to test on animals. This is a true outcome of UNITY and I am proud to be involved!

Here we have the basis of why the Angels chose this deck. Little Mother Teresa.. a Saint. We all know her. She lived in our lifetime. She continues to be a shining example of how to live a Guided Life. Her existence affected SO MANY. A little lady with a huge heart and a willingness to help. That is all we really need... that willingness. Once we have the awareness, the Angels rush forth to help us and help us help others. Such an inspiring humanitarian who's legacy is fresh within our hearts and minds. 
Her radiating goodness transformed the lives of many. We are able to do the same. In our own ways. Within our own unique experiences. 

Breathe deeply now in to your heart centre and feel the strength and care the Guardian Angels have bestowed upon us. We are gifted with their presence. This card reading really is about living by example and being the best you can be to move forward. It is about first receiving the awareness that you are love, and that love is what flows through us. It is about sharing this love, feeling its flow.. its ebbs of rest and action. It is about knowing when to let go and when to rest. It is about going forth and doing GOOD. XOX

Shanti Shanti 

Tuesday 4 February 2014


Hi and Angel Blessings,

You know what? For the last months, every time I go to write out the Newsletter and Free Angel Guidance Reading I wonder if it will be the last one. It's true. I love the process of writing. I love the process of sharing. I love the process of connecting with the Angels and I love Love LOVE Angel Oracle Readings... it's just the funny thing I have with the feelings I get around the pressure of time. Is it my Aquarius Ascendant that needs to do things differently? I've been weening off Christmas and even Birthdays and opting for a more 'eternal' view of Living In the Moment. 

Now that we are in the second month of the year, my initial resistance to ‘over planning’ the year ahead is making a lot of sense,,, thankyou Angels! Instead of organising each and every theme and micro minute of my life I have taken to Handing My Life Over to the Divine. Each morning I say ‘Dear God and the Goddess, and all Angels of Love, in Love and for love, I offer you ‘me’ to be a vehicle of loving truth and kindness. Please place me where you need me to be, have me speak with who you choose and allow the Grace of Love to flow freely through me and all around me, to me.’ Gosh it’s good… your turn!

This has honoured more the 'process' of life and all the myriad of thoughts that go with it. I feel wonderful knowing that in each and every moment, I have given permission and am working consciously with the Highest Divine Right Order. I feel like this is a gift indeed. 

For those of you familiar with the Course In Miracles, you may find similarities with the credo :: 

Where would you have me go?
What would you have me do?
What would you have me say?
.. and to whom?

Many of our wisest soul connected friends and colleagues are 'on to this' way of living. There are those busily 'manifesting' using the Law of Attraction and having wonderful results... and then there are those of us who simply surrender it ALL and know with every fibre of our Being that once this is consciously done, that all, simply ALL is Divinely Taken Care Of... *highly recommended.

I have found the most prominent results have been ::
~ increased awareness 
~ calmness
~ peacefulness
~ manifestations and alignments
~ greater sensitivity to the moment
~ heightened memory (what I require in the moment is simply 'there')

There is a flow and natural order that I am thriving in. The push and plan strain has simply fallen away and when those busy thoughts do pop up I know that my emotional environment is looking for some stillness and I'm able to honour this. I am treating myself with the utmost care and respect and following my Guidance. In the comments section below, you are very welcome to share your experiences xox

In this Edition ::
ANGEL DETOX :: the book by Robert Reeves & Doreen Virtue
HOMEOPATHICS :: an elite club
ANGEL GUIDANCE READING :: Celebrating the Year of the Horse


This is a lovely book. I am going through it all even though I am not detoxing from all of the many things listed. The information is nice to read through from a Naturopath Student's point of view. Utilising the Angel's clearing and Guidance is a wonderful symbiotic relationship. I have found that I get quite sleepy while reading it, and am aware that I am going through the cleanses as well, energetically. 

Here are some notes I took at the beginning ::
~ our bodies contain around 70% water which is around the same as the planet.
~ our brain contains slightly more water, at 75%. 
Staying constantly well hydrated assists in thinking positive thoughts.
Angels utilise the oxygen molecules in water to transmit their messages to us. 
Showering, bathing, swimming and drinking fresh, pure water benefits our Divine Connection.

This book contains gems of nutritional information. The B vitamins section is especially informative. Other parts are what Doreen speaks of regularly and yet when put together with all the physical detox info, it really is a confirmation of all she has been teaching over the many years. I have been sending the clearing energy towards those that are in my life that I know will benefit from the Angelic Clearing of substances... and also working with clearing my emotional and energetic clearing of those who choose these substances. It's not necessarily a book just for those struggling with addictions, although it is wonderfully insightful for cigarettes and alcohol. It is a truly wholistic and thorough example of how one may have got to the situation, how to recognise the signs and how to move through your life changes effortlessly and with supreme grace... something we can all benefit from! 


Ahhh,, one of my favourite topics IN THE WORLD! When I first began my Naturopathic Studies in the early 90's I learned so much so quickly. Homeopathy was such a new concept to me that I actually dropped the class so that I could focus on it properly once all the anatomy and physiology and chemistry and iridology and nutrition and herbal medicine (you get the picture) was assimilated and I had time to focus on this wonderful subject with the intention it deserved from me. It soon became my 'go to' as I became a parent and then my family started ordering remedies for their acute and chronic ailments. Then the friends noted how healthy everyone around me was and well, things snow balled from there. 
I knew early on that I was not comfortable behind a desk in a clinic environment. I found that my calling was more towards those who would not actually choose to go 'see someone' about their condition. I became a 'social homeopath'. Having said this, I also kept quite to myself about my practice and only offered information when it was asked of me. So in a way I became a little solitary with my healing. When I read this list of who else in the world uses homeopathics, my heart soared as I found in essence a cool group of individuals who trust this wonderful scientific healing modality. 
I welcome you to this amazing and eclectic club ::

~ famous homeopathic patients : Charles Darwin // the Royal Family // Abraham Lincoln // Mother Theresa // Tony Blair // Paul McCartney // Tina Turner // Annie Lennox // Axl Rose // Moby // George Harrison // Pete Townshend // Cher // Beethoven // Chopin // George Bernard Shaw // Ralph Waldo Emerson // Mark Twain // Sir Arthur Conan Doyle // David Beckham // Catherine Zeta-Jones // Blythe Danner // Diane von Furstenberg // Olivia Newton-John // JD Salinger // Priscilla and Lisa Marie Presley // Boris Becker // Angelica Houston // Martin Sheen // Red Hot Chilli Peppers // Whoopi Goldberg // Pamela Anderson // Mahatma Ghandi // Jackson Pollock


So, apparently this is one of the most major shifts in the 60 year cycle of Chinese Astrology. From a Water Snake to a Wood Horse. 
The Unicorns are here with us to Guide us through this month and beyond with their fun and loving ways. Have you been noticing them in your dreams or seeing horses or symbols of horses in your everyday? 
Here is the link to go to this month's Angel Reading :: click here >> ::ANGEL GUIDANCE READING FEB '14::


It's true, one of my favourite decks for my business is the Life Purpose Oracle. I consult it at regular intervals and sometimes the information that comes up is expected and other times it takes me on a full circle journey... like now. Recently the 'crystals' card has been recurring. Yesterday when I was laying out the cards for this month's Reading I was drawn to my crystal collection and began laying out a crystal to go with each individual card to enhance it's energy and also so that you can work with these crystals your selves.

These crystals were simply placed intuitively and there are definitely no strict rules when working with crystals. Infact it is the honouring of the instincts that they specialise in. Thankyou Angels! 

What themes have you found recurring in your life when you heed the Guidance of your Angels (comment below if you feel Guided)


SHARE 'When you share, everyone feels happy.'

We begin this month's Reading and the New Chinese Year with an expansive energy of sharing. This is very true of the energy of the horse. They are very generous in their role with humanity. They offer companionship, transport and are able to carry heavy loads. 
The Angel message with this card is to share YOUR burdens. Reach out to your Spiritual Helpers; the Angels, the Fairies, the Unicorns, your friends. Soon you will find yourself elevated in your mood and awareness. Today's energy is about community and strength of self, so we are all about empowering one another. The person you choose to share with will be the exact person who can also benefit from both listening to you and offering their own take on the situation. 
The crystal with this card is from a lovely extra large piece that 'shares' little shards every now and then. 


FINISH WHAT YOU'VE STARTED 'You've started something important, and now it's time to complete it.'

This card reminds us to continue on with what it was we have begun. The fact that this is in the 'query' placement might mean that we're not entirely sure what it is to focus upon right now. This is where the crystal comes in to it's own. 
The crystal with this card is CITRINE. This crystal is renowned for bringing in financial prosperity. So, with this in mind, the Angels are Guiding you to continue with the business and prosperity plans you have already begun. Time for that new website I started with the last Virgo Moon ;)


CHANGE 'The changes that you're going through are positive.

Yes, the only constant in life... is change! Here we see our Unicorn Guide walking through the pillars of change. In numerology we have specific days when this change is heightened. 11 days are renowned for creating this transition. 
This card is reassuring that all the changes that are actually occuring are for the good of all. 
The crystal with this card is PYRITE. Fools Gold! Another sign that our finances are being tweaked. Rise above any and all 'pitfall's and focus on what it is you prefer in all situations. The little holes in life are always going to be there. It is a matter of perspective and seeing the bigger picture. Shine on!


JUST BE YOURSELF 'You're a great person - enjoy being yourself!'

This card, the Angels say, is about our relationships... how we relate to ourselves and to and with others. This is definitely about romantic partnerships (see the 2 bunnies) It is also about connecting with Peace (the white dove) I am shown that the Unicorns are working with us individually during our dreamstate regarding our personal relationships. 
The crystal with this card is LEMURIAN SEED. These crystals often return to us from previous lives. They honour our individuality and reconnect us with our past wisdoms learned.


LET GO OF STRESS 'Don't take on other people's stress. Breathe it out now.'

Yes, there is alot of energy being released (again) as we transition from the snake year with our emotions, to the horse year and our growth. Keep it in mind that we all grow in different ways and in different times, so this is a card of compassion as well as a reminder to not take things personally. When you can help, you will be Guided to. When it is time to stay out of it,, you will know. Remember that your journey can only be undertaken by you and that this is true for others. Sometimes helping can block their growth, and yours aswell. Commune with those large tree friends of yours if you find you have taken on too much 'stuff'. The crystal with this card is SMOKEY QUARTZ. A strong crystal that draws away unnecessary energy accumulated and transmutes it to positive 'space' around you warding away all that is unlike love. 


RELAX - EVERYTHING'S OK 'Don't worry...it's all going to be fine.

This card shows up to remind us to relax just a little bit more. It says, 'It's ok little one, you are fine.. all is well.' Too often we have been 'trained' to worry about the future.. like this is true caring. In fact it is literally wasted prayer. We are best to honour our child like wonder of faith and rest in the knowledge that our future is brilliant, safe and taken care of in all ways. Our highest good is all that may occur.

The crystal with this card goes perfectly with the Angel Detox info and is AMETHYST. This stone emits wonderful calming energies. It soothes our aura and heightens our spiritual connections. It is especially powerful for our outer chakras and enables our third eye to see clearly so that we may be aware of all potentials and relax in the awareness of care.


WATER 'Drink more water. and eat foods with water in them, such as fresh fruits and vegetables.'

The Angels show that we are in tune with our highest frequencies now. We are Guided to eat for our personal doshas and to continue to hydrate. Honouring our connection with water honours our connection with the All. Our cells unite in their Divinity. 
The crystal with this card is CELESTITE. This is a calming crystal that soothes our throat chakra and aligns us well with creative spirituality. This is a lovely crystal to place near your drinking water and also in the bathroom for enhanced serenity and pristine energy transference.


FAMILY CULTURE 'Learn more about your family's stories and history.'

It is quite a well-known fact in my family that on Mum's Mum's side there was once an Island that was owned by my ancestors. The Isle of Guernsey, where a monk lived and where they have farm stays now. 
What is in your family history and how does it connect with where you are at, now? The Celestine Prophecy speaks about our family and why we choose them. What skills have we acquired with this incarnation?
The crystal with this card is one of two.. a set. The other one I gave to my brother. It is a JASPER and it works with solidarity, heritage and growth.


IT'S OKAY TO BE DIFFERENT 'You don't need to be like everyone else. You're perfect just as you are!'

Again the Angels are reminding us of the cleansing and reassuring power of large trees. Getting out and forest bathing simply aligns you with the formative energy of the natural realm. Here all is well. Here you are aligned. There is no discordance. There is no one 'better than' or any other kind of competitive energy that is relevant to you.. it is cellular and wholistic alignment. The air is cleaner. The prana is strong. Your messages are easily received. Then when you do come on back to society, be friends with whomever you like. If someone resonates with you, honour this. Connections are great! Being unique is a wonderful gift. When you are with these soul friends, you are expected to stand out and be yourself. Your wonderful energy is paramount to the group and to the harmony of all. Your resonance with this peace radiates in all directions.
The crystal with this card again is the LEMURIAN SEED. Working with this crystal  allows your strengths to shine in a safe and non threatening way. The tip of the crystal is a pale pink and this aligns with the Upper Heart Chakra. 


DECIDE 'It's time to clearly make a decision about what you want.'
Here at the still beginning of 2014 and with the Chinese New Year fresh with us, it is a wonderfully opportune time to choose. This is not an egoic decision of 'what to do', although this may be discovered and honed. It is an energetic decision to connect to all that is with love so that all else is literally taken care of. This decision comes from deep within. It harnesses all elements of who you really are. There is ofcourse all of eternity within every single moment so rushing is not the issue, nor is it relevant. This energy is about you, your connection to Source and the actualisation of this Beingness.
The crystal with this card is a UNAKITE pyramid. Also known as Epidote, this is a composite of granite. It helps us decipher our own path while working within society.


IMAGINE 'What would you see, feel, think, and hear if your wish came true?'

Our imagination is a wonderful resource. To really help us decide and move forward, this is the key. I recently watched Redesign My Brain where the 6 hats of learning were discussed ::
Defining Goals and the type of thinking you need to solve them.

Collecting information. Facts.

green = IDEAS
Imagination. Brain storming. No critique.

Intuition. Emotions. Gut Instinct.

yellow = OPTIMISM
Benefits. Potential.

black = RISKS
Dangers. What might go wrong.
This is a 'green' way of thinking. Honing our imagination balances out the other styles of thinking which are all relevant, but when imbalance occurs we may favour one style over another and lose our other thinking abilities.
The crystal with this card is the FAIRY QUARTZ, a magical quartz with many points and a sparkly appearance. 


LIGHT 'See the light within yourself and everyone else.'

This card is a reminder from both the Unicorns and the Angels of the magnificence of Star Gazing. When we focus upon the stars at night we are reminding our selves of our purest Soul Connection. We too look like little shining stars, we just have human bodies around them. Taking a star bath by sitting outdoors underneath the night sky is a way to align easily with the planets. With changes occuring all the time, follow your intuition with regards to how often you feel to do this. 
The crystal is again the FAIRY QUARTZ. Working with this Realm enhances our light.


TALK ABOUT YOUR FEELINGS 'Tell a friend how you feel.'

Again we arrive at the beginning.. full circle. True friends are your best mirrors. We listen to one another and are simply 'there' while offloading occurs. Oftentimes it is this friendship that brings the most natural healing. We may see the silver lining of the other's cloud. Offering a wise, positive take on the situation is perfect! Sometimes we just need to say what's going on out loud to realise how to shift it. This is such a common theme in society that humility and compassion are best friends with this. Be natural, be honest. Be kind. Be yourself.
The crystal with this card is SODALITE. This lovely deep stone connects with the third eye, allowing the whole view of a situation. There is also a deep resonance with the throat chakra and 'saying the right thing at the right time.'

Thursday 2 January 2014


Hi everyone! 
I hope you have all had a few moments over the holy days to reflect upon your Divine Essence and 'what makes you tick'. There is a new vibration in the air thanks to the numerological shift into 2014. This permeates on a very ancient level and flavours our cells with potency and possibility of change. The energy of 7 portends to an especially Spirit based energy. Reflection, quietude, ritual, primal and also very high vibrations.
I am glad to be with you again during this new sumptuous energy. Already the difference is highly palpable. 
Célébrer !!

Here is our Angel Guidance Reading for this month.

A lovely energy to begin the Reading, with Archangel Michael's loving clarity and protection. Yes, the energies are still changing. Some are high and some are low. It is like the tide going in and out still and no matter where we find ourselves energetically, this card shows that Archangel Michael is right with us ALL. It is a lovely and loving prayer to call upon Archangel Michael to clear the planet and all upon her. This is best done upon waking and going to sleep.

I have read this in other's reports about this year ... that relationships are coming under scrutiny. This is a year of Self predominantly. We all have many 'others' in our lives and living alone is not what this is about. It is about discernment and equality. It is about love and respect. You know what the Angels are referring to here as we have been getting signs for many months regarding our relationships and dealings with others. The book 'Assertiveness for Earth Angels' will literally change your life and the relationships in it. Follow your inner wisdom and intuition regarding your interactions with others and focus upon the love in all ways. If we can complain about something/someone.. we can also compliment something/someone. Taking the high road is going to be much easier this year. Our energies are protected and the path is clear.. and when we do follow this path, we can rejoice that it is lined with supportive spirited friends and helping hands along the way.. you are one of them!

Ahh, breathe this in. In fact lets take a moment now to pause and inhale this wholistic energy. It opens our lungs, which opens our hearts and feeds loving, healing energy outward into our hands for sharing with others. Compassion is THE energy for 2014! It is filled with Divine Essence, with Soul and with Heart. It nourishes, understands, supports and listens. It cares. It is within every cell and every thought we have, NOW. It is an extension of the truth in every moment. It bathes us with light. It makes everything right xox

I enjoy seeing this card in this placement. We really are moving along nicely as a group! This card shows that we are aware of our selves. Aware of our truths and are happily expressing this already. This is a wonderful base for the rest of the year. It is akin to a full scholarship to our favourite learning place. We have found our platform .. it is from within us and it IS us. We are the ones who are creating and co-creating the New. Our unique contributions are revered as we continue to shine our brilliant ideas outwardly to our communities. A celebratory energy indeed xox

Awwwh, our loving 'Merry Christmas' energy is still with us. This is the nurturing, caring, 'can-do' spirit we have embodied. Mother Mary's kindness and care permeates our lives now. She is a teacher of the Highest Order and she looks after each and every one of us that choose to work with her. Her infinite nature resonates into every incarnation, offering understanding, softness and strength in wisdom. Walk with Mother Mary into any situation for complete calm and transmutation of energies to the highest forms of love. Her light will go before you as a personal lighthouse and ensure those loving friends are there to great you when you need them. She will sit with you quietly when you feel to be on your own. Her heart is very poetic and musical so be aware of new melodies and lyrics filtering through for you. She is a very powerful healer in her acceptance of all life, yet she is also very private and personal and is able to assist with the deepest of issues ready for release. Om Shanti.

This is the colour of Archangel Chamuel. Could it be that our health is merely something that needs to be uncovered as it is with us all along. There is no great mystery to healing, although many try to make it complicated. We are DESIGNED TO REGENERATE... simple! Allowing our own healing abilities to gently expand to the surface is all that is truly required. A simple diet, plenty of good laughter, nice rest, nice surroundings, peaceful extension.. simple! Our future looks bright and HEALTHY! Keep this as a personal mantra (a mind shield) 'I enjoy my full health now.' Walk with this and allow your inner wisdom to guide the way.

We see ourselves properly now. Utilising our powerful thoughts and intentions to create our true perfection. We are able to lift up others in an instant and shine our light from afar. We use loving thoughts and powerful prayer to remove obstacles from all facets of the globe and society and nature. If something is bothering you, simply turn your heart and thoughts upward in vibration and affirm the most positive outcome for all involved. Gratitude is hand in hand with this card. Ask, Receive, Believe! The Law of Attraction is just as immediate as the Law of Gravity. Remember this as we see ourselves and realise our true power!

Here we are met with the energy of karma. It is true that we need to turn up for the good karma too. The Angels say that many are turning inward now as a mass group consciousness of awareness washes over humanity. We are to be kind and patient when our apologies arrive. They will be some expected, and some a complete surprise. Basically, all light shifts all darkness and this Spiritual Energy of 2014 is already pouring light into the deepest crevices of our selves. Sincerity and Compassion will enable clean and clear chakras. Our spines will literally begin to straighten fully and this is part of our inner health resurgence. There is a new vitality in the air. Posture is the main theme of this card. Our confidence is renewed as wrongs are made right. 

Softness and Care. Do you remember the story of the Gratitude Rock? From such a hard substance a complete turn around in awareness was born. We are all reaching out now. Our hearts as Lightworkers are honed to heal and re-light the embers within each and every individual and Soul Group healing is manifesting at monumental rates. This card permeates every one of our choices. From sustainable, ethical clothes, to kindness and conversation with neighbours, and awareness and positive action towards the environment... all are covered when we embody love and extend this outwardly as far as we possibly can. Our auric fields contain all the knowledge required to live a peaceful, wholistic life. When we amplify our loving thoughts and actions with conscious awareness and when we join together with likeminded Soul Groups, we amplify at higher and higher rates, covering the Globe and beyond. Go ahead and share this love now, first with your self, then with whatever pops into your mind. Your thoughts create! You are manifesting right now, with love.

This card gets to the heart of the situation. When we honour our infinite, eternal self and journeys, we can see our immediate surrounds for what they truly are. We can be in this world but not of it. We are able to share and feel and be so much love without being attached to any outcome or experience. We can transform situations instantly to joy, fun and laughter. We can understand the messages of individual plants, commune with animals and send telepathic loving messages to one another. Each of us has the perfect receptors open now to continue with this amazing blueprint for Mother Earth. I am truly thrilled and excited to be here at this time.. it is WONDEROUS.

Your Upper Heart Chakra contains all the scientific knowledge and receives all Guidance to help you continue with the next phase of your life. You intrinsically know, right now, what it is you would like to explore next. Is it Ayurvedic Studies (for me, yes ;0) Or is it hang gliding. Is it colouring in or Pilates. Take a step in any direction you choose! Your powerful powerful mind can readjust in an instant. There are no wrong decisions. You simply reawaken the energy of the Vortex within each present moment to find your bliss, your truth. Step outdoors and 'Go Sacred' as often as you can. Dip your toe in the well of infinite possibilities. Create your Majestic Magnificence!

When you are ready you will do this effortlessly. It will occur constantly. Others will reciprocate. Your inner wisdom is with you in all ways. What you know now, another needs to know soon. What they know, you will soon know. As our inner strength grows, our community grows too. The individual connected with their All creates a powerful environment. This attracts other connected individuals and soon the whole world is in Unity and Harmony. Thankyou!!

To connect to Spirit we still need time for ourselves on a regular basis. Some will find strong connections to dream guidance. Others will find information during meditation or excercise. Whatever works for you, do it. If it's not working yet, remind yourself to 'try something new'. Look to the happiest times of your life. Look to the happiest people you know. What is the common thread? YOU! You are all you ever need for anything. You are a self contained universe of infinite wonder. Taking time to see this enhances ALL.

This month I am offering a SPECIAL PRICE on Angel Oracle or Angel Tarot Celtic Cross Personal Layouts. This will be tuned to your specific vibration and look similar to the layout we work with here at ChaiBLISSHealing. (as above)

I have all 22 Doreen Virtue decks so you are free to choose from which every you resonate with. 

The price is normally $A95 and this month they will be available for $A70 to celebrate the energy of seven. This special will last the whole month and you are able to book your appointment beginning 6th January or anytime throughout the year. 

The changing of energies is a powerful time to connect with your messages. I adore helping others communicate with their Angels and if you are yet to have a private Reading/Healing with me or would like another one, this is a great saving.

Not available on the website, see ChaiBLISSHealing on facebook for more details or email me for your booking.

Namaste, Butterfly