Wednesday 6 February 2013


The month of love, February is with us and the Romance Angels are here for clarity, support and wisdom shared.

(Special note: I will be offering mini card readings on  ChaiBLISS Healing on Facebook around Valentine's Day to fine tune your relationship energy. These are always SO popular, so look out for posts to add your name to the thread.)

I have lit my double wicked candle to symbolise healthy, ignited partnerships .. Partners By Divine Right. The term Twin Flame has been used alot recently, but the Angels clearly explained to me that this term is unpopular with most of humanity. In fact the healing around twins and self has been enhanced by this term instead of the romantic connotations. Twin conceptions have been more common than most of us understand. Often we find a very strong relationship connection with another and this relationship has had it's origins within the womb. Many lifetimes have occurred through out eternity so this is possible with many many personalities. A conscious and aware mind and heart will alert you to this relationship enabling the truth of the connection to be found. So for clarity, the Divine Partner, that partner chosen by you and your Divine Self and the Highest Energy of Love is the one we shall focus on.

Here goes...


CARD ONE: THE SITUATION MAKE THE EFFORT 'Great love is worth taking the steps you're guided to take.'
The Romance Angels show that this card is a message to Self. It shows us exercising, eating well, resting well and praising our physical body. It shows us looking upon ourselves with pure love when we look in the mirror. Our personal Guardian Angels are guiding us with specifics and showing the way to respect and kindness. This may be an effort for some, and on many levels we are fine tuning our connection to Soul, to Source. Our hearts are resonating with deep affection and awareness on a group level now, so we are able to support one another very well.

CARD TWO: THE QUESTION CALLING IN YOUR SOUL MATE 'Your prayers, affirmations and visualisations help bring you together.'
So this card links intimately with the first one, as we may question our very connection to anything that is up for healing. The Angels show that February is a momentous opportunity to clear away those finest of details. All planets are presently moving forward and this shows that we can too. This is a window of clarity, offers and awareness. Our hearts are truly calling the shots as our past life wisdoms are imbedded within us now. We have the knowledge, we have the awareness.. it is now a time to connect and listen.

CARD THREE: THE DESTINY LET GO OF CONTROL ISSUES 'Allow this situation to unfold naturally.'
The image on this card depicts past lives yet again. We are clearly reminded to find the blessing in all situations and to receive the Good Karma we have co~created. This Peace on Earth Energy allows us to find our friends, our lovers and our teachers. The highest resonance will always be love. Let this flow freely into all relationships. Our destiny is an empowered relationship with Self, with Source.. with Soul. This ensures that ALL our reflected relationships will be free from entanglement and will honour the Divine! What a Splendid Destiny !!!!

CARD FOUR: THE PAST 18 MONTHS RECONCILIATION 'Someone from your past is returning to your life.'
I always love this card placement as it shows where we have grown. This card shows that we have enabled past relationships to re-enter our lives. This is very forgiving and full of compassion. It shows that we have moved through our learning and have arrived in the dharmic grace of care and respect. This card is a 'high 5' from the Angels, showing us all that we can resolve that which is meant to heal. Ofcourse many relationships stay in the past as this is their rightful place. Those that move through into our futures are transformed and have stood the test of time. These are sometimes our most potent of connections. They remind us of ourselves, as we were different then and will be surely different again in our futures. Well done likers... this is a terrific journey.

CARD FIVE: THE PRESENT PASSION 'Allow your heart and soul to sing with joy!'
Haha.. The Romance Angels offer us a doozie for the present moment! THIS is where we truly choose to be... in our passion! In the arms of passion! Our spirit ignites in this energy. It enables enhanced situations and grows our light. Our glow drives the planet's light body and we move together in union and in this energy much is accomplished. The idea of tantric energy brings the union of light bodies together to enhance the light body of each other and that which we focus upon. Cellular healing and pristine health result! This Divine Energy is awakening now in our lives, in our partnerships and within the planet wholistically. 

CARD SIX: THE FUTURE 18 MONTHS IT IS SAFE FOR YOU TO LOVE 'Open your heart to give and receive the highest energy of all.'
For this card the Angels say the 'sky is the limit'... go for it.. love first ask questions later! They are showing flowers (see my article about Flower Therapy). In particular a single pale pink chrysanthemum. I intuit that this has to do with our relationships with our Mums. Doreen Virtue explains that when we heal our relationship with our Mum, we are better able to receive. There is alot of support in the image of this card. The Romance Angels are acting as Divine Communicators between you and your Partner By Divine Right. Grace, Right Action and Heartfelt Communication on the cards!

CARD SEVEN: HOW YOU SEE YOURSELF THIS COULD BE THE ONE 'You've already met the romantic partner you seek.'
Yes, at this point in our Human Evolution it is true, you have already met before. We are at a point when we are cycling around, enjoying the goodness we have previously created. Your instincts are spot on when it comes to something as this. A slow smile joins your lips as you understand the nuances and Divine Plan in the timing and events around your meetings. This is it, and it is GOOD.

CARD EIGHT: THE ENVIRONMENT PRESENTED TRUE LOVE 'This is the romance of a lifetime.'
Bells, whistles and fireworks all round! The truest of love comes from a deep reflection of our inner Soul. This true love when honoured and recognised within, transforms all relationships in a profound way. THIS is the energy we are dancing within. THIS is the theme we are presented with. It is Divinity on a cellular level. It is Divinity on a thought based level. Encapsulating ALL. Wonderous, Generous.. GREAT!

CARD NINE: HOPES & DREAMS UNREQUITED LOVE 'There's not enough attraction or chemistry to keep this relationship going.'
Interestingly, this card placement is often called 'hopes, dreams or fears' but I omitted the fears. This time though it is the fears that are representing and they are universal and a very common archetype.. that of unrequited love. So where does this fear stem from? What is it's base, it's cause? The answer will be unique for each and every one of us on the surface, but at the deepest level it has to do with our relationship with our divinity, plain and simple. This is our deepest fear, that we are disconnected from the source energy.. and this fear manifests in 'broken relationships.' So back to the beginning. Back to the Source, literally. When we heal wholistically on a spiritual level, we are buoyed emotionally and all our relationships reflect this glowing health.. our romantic relationships especially.

CARD TEN: THE OUTCOME SEPARATION 'Time spent apart from your partner is on the horizon.'
Before we beg for a redraw! Let us keep in mind that we have two fine tuning cards to go with this, and that Alone Time is a marvellous thing! So many ancient cultures thrived with women in one camp and men in the other. This way when they got together it was extra special and the sacredness was at the forefront. Separation can give us time to grow, time to rest and time to regenerate.. give us something to talk about in this busy modern world. So when you do get some 'me time', honour it as a Divine Gift xox

The fine tuning cards...

ROMANTIC FEELINGS 'Your feelings are real and worth exploring.'
See, when you are together, you will be able to share your feelings and create a magnetic atmosphere. The Romance Angels will help you make the time and create the magic between you. There is alot of catching up to do for many!

RELEASE YOUR EX 'The time has come to clear your energy.'
This is auric housekeeping 101. Ask the Angels to clear your auras often. Release those past relationships and also those past thoughts about your own self in the process. The time you have together is precious, so be vigilant with keeping in the moment when you are together. Allow the past and the future to be bathed in love so that the present moment is a true gift. 
The Romance Angels also say this is a sign to remove your EX-cuses! Nice!

THE UNDERLYING ENERGY: ENGAGEMENT 'Your love life is ascending to a higher level of commitment.'
Ofcourse all our 'relationship status' are different. Some of us have been married for years, others are just beginning. This card has to do with the energy of commitment, to self, to source and to be engaged in another's life. To really honour their thoughts and feelings etc. Taking this energy to heart really shifts things to a new level of honesty and awareness and this is the basis of our month. So be present, send love and wish each other well xox

Angel Blessings of Infinite BLISS
Rainbow Butterfly Tara

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