Tuesday 26 February 2013


organic whole herbs & spices from ChaiBLISS

Have you found yourself in a mundane routine? Well, Mercury Retrograde this March promises to add an element of 'more' to our lives.
More Love.
More Spirituality.
More Compassion.
We are constantly sending out communications. Our very Being is a constant vibratory tool. When we love something, we send out harmonious, constant waves. Well, these waves have formed a pattern, as we are cyclical co-creators, we have adhered to this pattern for it's duration and are now on the precipice of CHANGE. Our seasons are changing and so too are our psyches. We have realised that we have attained some sort of comfortable rhythm and that now it is time for MORE.
To find out where this expansion is taking place, simply look to what you love, cherish and adore. For here, Mercury will bring more! This 3 week cycle gathers to us thoughts; belongings; people that will enhance the next phase of the journey. All aboard, ready or not, the games have begun!
Use your Spiritual Toolbox of meditation, right action and consideration to steer the course. This promises to bring adventure, wisdom and deep inner connection.
Blanketing this gorgeous gift of a planet with Eternal Love,
Rainbow Butterfly Tara

In this Edition::
::MARCH SPECIAL ~ New Oracle/Tarot Offerings::
::MEDITATION ~ My Brahma Kumaris Experience::

::MARCH SPECIAL ~ New Oracle/Tarot Offerings::

actual photo taken JUNE 9, 2010 near the local library


The Angels are Guiding us in more detail at the moment and are suggesting these options for top ups or indepth discoveries.
We start with an Angel Therapy clearing and then the Angels choose from which deck to get Guidance. From here I lay out the cards and take a photo of the layout for you. Each card is then described in detail by your Angels and I type it up in an email so you can go back and read it when you like. This way I can help you where ever you are in the world, and still honour my full time mum duties. This soul parenting is a real honour and it does get my full attention. Angel Intuitive Readings are such an integral part of my passion to share that this way suits all involved. I am thrilled to be able to support my happy family with activities I love.
The themes that are uncovered in these readings often astound me. It is a true honour to connect with you on this pristine level.
Love it!

::MEDITATION ~ My Brahma Kumaris Experience::

During last year I participated in the Knowledge Course, a free interactive offering from the World Spiritual University, often known as BK's.
I am not going to explain the whole 8 week course here in this format but I am Guided to share my experience with this knowledge.
A few weeks ago I had a day where I tuned in emotionally to many varied world events. Coal Seam Gas, GMOs, single parenting, television/advertising/diet ... tears, Tears, TEARS!
Thankfully my Angels had prepared me for this and that evening I returned to the Brahma Kumaris Centre. My longtime friend was the guest presenter and he and a few other BK's I'd met were the reason I was interested in learning more, much more! As much as I can.
This night, with the guidance and experience of my good friend, I experienced Peace, Bliss, Comfort, Support, Expansion, Understanding ... all aspects of my connection to soul.
Soul is an all pervading energy. It lives within us as Spiritual Light. When we view our lives with this loving Soul view the truth is simple and direct. 
We spoke as a group about design and the concept of designing our lives. We discussed good and bad design and we were very aware that we are able to discern the difference. Just as my tears could have been described as  'a bad day.' We chatted about how we can make our own lives that much better.
For me, the simple act of honouring Soul within our lives connects me to the loving, light feelings always available, sometimes closer than we think. This Divine Spark organises, explains, elevates, embraces and connects. It unifies us and places opportunity directly into our minds.
Over the years, as an Oracle Card enthusiast, I have enjoyed the connectivity and precision of the Brahma Kumaris VIRTUE REALITY CARDS and enjoy choosing my card each day. EXPERIENCE these lovely Virtues for yourself by clicking on the link. Om Shanti.
click on link to try online


Also known as Potassium Phosphate, this is the ideal remedy for school/uni students.

:: helps calm NERVES ~ recover, relax, regain strength
:: aids SLEEP
:: calms/organises the MIND

Potassium Phosphate is the mineral that brain and nerve cells depend on most.

Chemical imbalance can be remedied with this Remedy to soothe hypertension, sweet cravings, anxiousness, temper tantrums, nervous headaches, sciatica/neuralgia.

Kali Phos ALKALISES the body.
Other symptoms indicating this Remedy include:
weakness of memory

With a few regular doses of the homeopathic remedy, balance can be simply restored. Homeopathy is a vibrational science. It is gentle, cost effective and reliable. I have raised my 4 children with homeopathics and have been practicing for nearly 20 years. The feedback is always that homeopathy is SO GENTLE. This is why it is so appropriate for children and the elderly (and everyone inbetween).

Should you feel these symptoms suit you or someone you know, I am happy to help.

As I cross-referenced the info for this article, I noted that I wrote about Kali Phos in March of 2011! Seems this is the season for this remedy as all the students return to their studies. I have included the link to the previous BlissHEALING Edition of March '11. It is a comprehensive article. I really enjoyed re-reading the rest of that issue too! Please note, prices are now $A15 (+ postage).


Ascended Masters Oracle Cards this month ... so bright, colourful and inspiring. I look forward to this month's message ... last month proved miraculous! The Ascended Masters give us the courage to be our best selves. They too walked the Earth and enjoyed this realm. It is our turn now to become Master of our own. We have gathered our wisdoms along the way and it is now time to put
them in to ACTION. Yes!

Have a wonderful month ahead ... click on link for the FREE March Angel Guidance Reading.


  1. Oh thankyou again :)
    Been using my Ascended Masters Cards today and I pulled most of these cards ;} LOVE IT!
    Really loving the connection to Brahma Kumaris through you, and looking forward to more study in this direction in the future.
    Thankyou for the KaliPhos heads up too. Little Wil is in need...we are using other techniques with minimal effect...as usual, we turn to Homeopathics and Flower Essences for the helping hand up and out of a situation.
    Blessings Beautiful Woman xxx

  2. Hi Gorgeous!
    Thanks for your shout out on your wonderful facebook page Holistic Therapy Connections

    I simply ADORE the Ascended Masters Cards.. they really 'speak' to me you know.. such familiar faces with earthy themes.. and some new friends to be introduced to. Was thrilled when I was Guided to utilise this deck this month.

    The Kali Phos is a wonder! the brain simply demands it.. and looks like Wil is the true intellectual type who might run through his quota faster than the average bear. I was reading last night and (have you heard this or can you confirm) apparently staff at Google in California have their meals supplemented.. they have added nutrients depending on what they are working on at the time and their body type!

    Florally flowery blessings of bliss
